Make it easier for parents to pay. Substantial fees not covered by insurance pose a formidable obstacle for many parents. To overcome this barrier to case acceptance, offer a range of payment options… …
Put scripts into your own words.
Put scripts into your own words. Scripts should not be recited word for word, like a speech you’ve memorized. Learn to communicate the scripted points in a way that’s natural for you. Scripts are …
Carefully examine insurance participation.
Carefully examine insurance participation. Practices should review patient insurance participation each year. The doctor and financial coordinator should be aware of important data such as what …
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Advice for the Practice Leader – Control spending impulses.
Advice for the Practice Leader – Control spending impulses. You may be tempted to buy the latest equipment, but you should exercise fiscal discipline. Evaluate new technologies carefully, not only to …
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Hand every parent a walkout statement.
Hand every parent a walkout statement. This document should show the treatment performed, what has been paid and what amount has been billed to insurance. Inform parents that anything not covered by …
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Performance Target: Increase doctor production by 20% annually.
Performance Target: Increase doctor production by 20% annually. All systems must be operating at optimal levels for this to happen, and the doctor must delegate virtually all non-clinical activities …
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Order supplies on an as-needed basis.
Order supplies on an as-needed basis. Automatic ordering of supplies can lead to inefficiency, misuse of office space and outright waste. For example, a year’s supply of gauze pads gathering dust in a …
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Realize parents want more value today than ever before.
Realize parents want more value today than ever before. Parents want the best value every time they spend their money. They have been conditioned by retailers to seek deals based on either lower cost …
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Eliminate the word “No” from your conversations at the office.
Eliminate the word “No” from your conversations at the office. Negative language works against positive energy… which your practice needs if it is to grow and thrive. When you have to contradict or …
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Practice Valuation Factor: Accounts Receivable.
Practice Valuation Factor: Accounts Receivable. Uncollected—perhaps uncollectible—money can undermine the value of your practice. The seller and buyer will need to negotiate who will be responsible …
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Welcome everyone to your office warmly.
Welcome everyone to your office warmly. Parents will appreciate it when your front desk team and other staff members greet them as if they were friends or family rather than merely customers to be …
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Don’t underestimate the effects of stress.
Don’t underestimate the effects of stress. A little stress often enables people to perform well. But a lot of stress, day after day, can cause serious damage. Stress wears you down physically, …
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