Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Create a multi-strategy marketing plan. To be effective, a marketing program for your practice should include at least 15 distinct, ongoing strategies. Include a …
Embrace change.
Embrace change. Dentistry is constantly evolving. So should your skills. Team members should receive yearly training in the appropriate areas, including clinical, administrative and practice …
Address patients and parents by name.
Address patients and parents by name. You probably can’t memorize the names of all the practice’s patients and parents… but you can take it one day at a time. Review the day’s appointments at the …
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The best treatment for stress is new systems.
The best treatment for stress is new systems. Pedo practices tend to be stressful. If members of the team are feeling excessive stress—and especially if the stress level seems to have increased in …
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Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Upgrade referrers.
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Upgrade referrers. Put together a plan to reach out more frequently to your “B’ and “C” doctors. Over a six-month period, contact these doctors and their teams …
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Advice for the Front Desk Team – Educate parents about the pediatric dentist.
Advice for the Front Desk Team – Educate parents about the pediatric dentist. The more they know about your practice, the easier it is to create confidence in the care they will receive. A good place …
Show appreciation for your co-workers.
Show appreciation for your co-workers. Most people want to be recognized. This can be as simple as just saying “thank you” after another team member helps you with a patient. It’s easy to take fellow …
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Use “power words” during interactions with parents and patients.
Use “power words” during interactions with parents and patients. Superior customer service depends on providing parents and patients a positive experience. One of the best ways to create such an …
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Rotate inventory to reduce waste.
Rotate inventory to reduce waste. When resupplying any materials you use in the course of doing your job, pull the existing stock forward and place newer supplies behind it. The idea is to consume …
Advice for the Pediatric Dentist – Evaluate mid-year progress.
Advice for the Pediatric Dentist – Evaluate mid-year progress. Is your practice on target to reach its annual goals for production, referrals and collections? Do you know what’s working well and where …
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Advice for the Pediatric Dentist – Respond decisively to conflict.
Advice for the Pediatric Dentist – Respond decisively to conflict. Staff conflict creates stress and can destroy efficiency, so deal with it quickly. Rather than taking sides, focus on resolving …
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Project confidence and professionalism.
Project confidence and professionalism. Whatever your role in the practice, your manner will affect the mood for everyone there, including patients and parents. A pedo practice is a relatively small …
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