The art of conversation. Knowing how to have great conversations is not a genetic skill. It is an art that we can develop step by step. One key aspect of having great conversations is to include lots of questions where the other person gets to express their thoughts, answers, and concerns. This creates comfort and comfort creates trust.
22-Minute Webinar Series
“10 Ways to Increase Orthodontic Referrals FAST!”
Learn a Critical Endo Practice-Building Concept in 22 Minutes
What can you accomplish in 22 minutes? Actually, quite a bit. This is the first in a series of orthodontic webinars you are eligible to receive. These short but powerful talks are designed to give you high-impact actionable information you can use to improve your practice immediately. Our goal is for them to be the most useful 22 minutes you spend on your practice this month.
In This Edition: 10 Ways to Increase Orthodontic Referrals FAST!
Referrals are the lifeblood of every ortho practice and the “antidote” to a challenging economy. Any ortho practice owner can roll out these 10 strategies to increase referrals and grow production.