Can you hire a trained PRC? Probably not. Professional relations coordinators (PRCs) are not individuals that can go to school to learn the job. They will need on-the-job training, and every practice needs a technique to train PRCs or it may be in danger of slowing referrals.
22-Minute Webinar Series
“10 Ways to Increase OMS Referrals FAST!”
Learn a Critical OMS Practice-Building Concept in 22 Minutes
What can you accomplish in 22 minutes? Actually, quite a bit. This is the first in a series of OMS webinars you are eligible to receive. These short but powerful talks are designed to give you high-impact actionable information you can use to improve your practice immediately. Our goal is for them to be the most useful 22 minutes you spend on your practice this month.
In This Edition: 10 Ways to Increase OMS Referrals FAST!
Referrals are the lifeblood of every OMS practice and the “antidote” to a challenging economy. Any OMS practice owner can roll out these 10 strategies to increase referrals and grow production.