You can’t fix just one part. Trying to fix one part of a practice is like trying to build one muscle in the gym. You might fix that part, but you will be better off if you address your systems …
Systems train the team.
Systems train the team. When the right systems are in place, team training is faster, better and performance improves. …
What new strategy have you added to referral marketing?
What new strategy have you added to referral marketing? The key to selecting strategies for referral marketing is to keep in mind that you want to create the best scenario you possibly can in order to …
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Performance reviews.
Performance reviews. Specialty practice teams find performance reviews to be uncomfortable, negative, and critical. A better approach is to have a conversation every six months with each team member …
Get to know the new patient.
Get to know the new patient. Before you start clinical diagnosis, it is critical to build a powerful relationship with a new patient. Asking questions on a personal level is a key part of the new …
Set targets and then measure.
Set targets and then measure. Every practice should have a minimum of 15 targets based on practice performance to be achieved. Measure the results and then work to improve. …
Systems determine success.
Systems determine success. The quality of ongoing success in the practice will be directly proportional to the quality of the systems and how often they are upgraded. …
What inspired you today?
What inspired you today? The specialist’s main job is creating phenomenal energy for the team. If you are not being inspired, how can you inspire others? …
If you want results create a plan.
If you want results create a plan. Every year, specialty practices should have a clearly defined plan laid out in spreadsheets as to how they are going to carry out a referral marketing program with …
How is your team’s energy?
How is your team's energy? Take the temperature of your team's energy on a regular basis and keep propelling it back to the highest levels. …
Can a positive personality increase production?
Can a positive personality increase production? Absolutely! Everyone wants to be around positive leadership, and no one wants to be around negative or critical leadership. …
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Don’t waste today.
Don’t waste today. Make sure that you do not waste today. You will not get it again, so make it a great day where you contribute to others, make a difference, and feel fantastic. …