Your costs have gone up. When costs go up, as they have in the last few years, the single best strategy to offset those costs is to increase practice production. This will keep your overhead …
Every team member needs to know exactly what to do.
Every team member needs to know exactly what to do. If you don’t have a list of exactly what each team member is to do each day, then put one together. When you do this, you’ll find that team …
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Review referral marketing weekly.
Review referral marketing weekly. Don’t let too much time go by between reviews of your referral marketing program and its results. A weekly analysis and broader monthly analysis will provide deep …
Innovation and marketing strategies.
Innovation and marketing strategies. Referral marketing is a science, and all sciences need ongoing innovation. One way to achieve this with referral marketing is to regularly introduce new, exciting, …
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If you’re not growing, you’re declining.
If you’re not growing, you’re declining. This is one of the most important business principles. If you’re not growing on a regular basis, then it is more likely that you are declining. EXCLUSIVE …
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Keep politics out of the office.
Keep politics out of the office. Our political situation is so intense, and it takes very little to set someone off and create a conflict. You’ll be far better off keeping politics out of a …
A long-term team is great but…
A long-term team is great but...There are many pros to having a long-term team, but there are a few cons as well. One con is that long-term team members that do their jobs extremely well can sometimes …
Clever is not always better.
Clever is not always better. Referral marketing is not about being clever or just getting attention. It is about promoting a brand of excellent care, true compassion, and customer service. …
It’s time to get serious.
It’s time to get serious. Dentistry is becoming more competitive than in the past. In any competitive industry, you need to be more serious in order to maintain high levels of success. Referrals are …
Systems are the key to all practice success.
Systems are the key to all practice success. Businesses are run by their systems. The most successful practices have the best systems, and their teams are highly trained and updated …
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Welcome your new hire.
Welcome your new hire. A simple technique to advance the onboarding of a new hire into the practice culture is to have a staff lunch on their first day. The newest person is never comfortable until …
Make case presentation sound normal and routine.
Make case presentation sound normal and routine. When recommending treatment to a patient, simply make it sound like it is normal and routine. Take this approach even if the treatment is complex. …
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