Secondary statistics count. Don’t just measure production. Measure production-related statistics such as production per day, production per hour, and production per patient. …
Don’t cheat on professional relations coordinator (PRC) time.
Don’t cheat on professional relations coordinator (PRC) time. One of the biggest reasons for referral marketing failure is when your PRC is not given sufficient time to do their job. The PRC needs a …
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Score your marketing leadership.
Score your marketing leadership. Specialists are seen as experts and leaders by their referring doctors. Score your leadership in regard to referral marketing from 0 to 10. If you score below an …
Never waste today.
Never waste today. This is a simple philosophy that can change your mindset. You only get today once so you should make it the best possible day and do this every day of your life. EXCLUSIVE 20% …
Dealing with a difficult team member.
Master the 10 Key Principles of Referral Marketing. There are 10 simple, yet incredibly powerful principles that drive referral marketing success in the endodontic practice. Organize your referral …
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Trust factor: Compassion creates trust.
Trust factor: Compassion creates trust. Beginning with the pandemic of 2020, leadership became more about compassion, and this is going to continue. When team members know you really care about them …
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Keep everyone motivated.
Keep everyone motivated. We have a client at Levin Group that is a high-level doctor, but he calls himself the chief motivational officer. He decided that this would be his internal title so that he …
Customer service is still the foundation.
Customer service is still the foundation. If you can achieve 5-star customer service you will differentiate yourself, increase referrals, and guarantee success. JUST RELEASED The Best 22 …
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Should I change my practice brand?
Should I change my practice brand? Maybe. Branding is not permanent and needs to be relevant as the world changes. What is your brand now and what should it be going forward? …
Workflow technology will keep improving.
Workflow technology will keep improving. Just like with your cell phone, there will be advances in workflow technology every year. You must select the right times to make the upgrades and we suggest …
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Trust factor: Clarity creates trust.
Trust factor: Clarity creates trust. If you want to create elevated levels of trust, always focus on clarity. When people know what is going on trust will skyrocket. …
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Whatever happened to…?
Whatever happened to…? Every specialist has had a moment on any given day when they’ve suddenly realized that a referring doctor has not provided referrals for some time. There are many excuses for …