Repeat yourself. Whenever you give information to a patient, such as dates, times or fees, repeat it again at the end of the conversation. …
What do you do when a patient challenges you?
What do you do when a patient challenges you? Answer: thank them. Anytime a patient gives you information that is not ideal or describes how unsatisfied they are, you should thank them for the …
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Which marketing strategies are really working best?
Which marketing strategies are really working best? Many endo practices don't know what referral marketing strategies work best. Without measurement and understanding, it is hard to do more of what is …
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What is the best type of bonus?
What is the best type of bonus? There is no one best type of bonus. Bonuses need to be designed based on the very specific areas of the practice where you want to see improvement. All three levels …
Add a catch-up day.
Add a catch-up day. Nobody wants to work more, but very busy practices can benefit by occasionally adding a “catch-up day.” Make it a fun day where everybody gets paid a little extra and the day ends …
Who can help with your anxiety?
Who can help with your anxiety? Accessing outside experts can be a tremendous help to reduce anxiety and create a better practice. By having the right experts who are always on time and meet …
Follow your schedule by taking control.
Follow your schedule by taking control. If you simply ask patients what type of appointment time they want, they will always pick something that doesn’t fit your schedule. Practices blow up schedules …
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Take control of your reviews.
Take control of your reviews. If you want great reviews, and lots of them, you need to take control. Immediately following treatment ask every patient how the visit was and then ask them to do you a …
Case presentation is also theater.
Case presentation is also theater. Case presentation is a system and a series of steps that should be followed. You can virtually control patients' experiences, perceptions, and reactions by having …
Follow your systems by taking control.
Follow your systems by taking control. Taking control means moving patients in the right direction within the practice systems. For example, if you have the goal to only do your large cases in the …
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Control the patient experience.
Control the patient experience. Controlling the patient experience can create a better customer service perception than simply having a nice office. Relaying messages about caring, how well the …
You need new strategies.
You need new strategies. Referral marketing strategies can become boring over time just like anything else. You need to change them periodically simply based on understanding that something new can be …