Are you having fun? There’s a wonderful story about a business school professor who was co-authoring a book. He was very frustrated at one point in the process and the other professor said to him: “If …
What does a dental team member really want?
What does a dental team member really want? People are motivated in different ways including money, professionalism, working four days a week, and the enjoyment of patients coming through the office. …
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How do I select referral marketing strategies?
How do I select referral marketing strategies? You should be able to select from hundreds of referral marketing strategies by organizing them into categories. Categories can include education, …
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Show patients that you’re interested.
Show patients that you’re interested. People of all ages like other people who show an interest in them. Ask a few questions, share a few things about yourself, and get to know each patient better …
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Keep your team for life.
Keep your team for life. In my research for a new book about long-term teams, one of the most important findings that increased team longevity was the existence of an environment of caring and …
Get prepared.
Get prepared. Every practice will occasionally have to hire a new team member. You can prepare in advance by periodically updating the job advertisement, deciding where you will advertise, and …
Be proactive.
Be proactive. The economy is declining and will most likely decline further. This does not have to be all gloom and doom if you’re taking the right steps now to protect production, profit, and income. …
Advisor appreciation.
Advisor appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate your core group of advisors. These are the other professionals that guide, mentor, and protect you. Let them know how much you appreciate them. …
External appreciation.
External appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate those who contribute to your practice, but do not work in your practice. For example, a supply representative or your laboratory. Reach out and …
Self-appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate yourself. You are dedicated, committed and work hard. Remind yourself how much you appreciate what you have accomplished and contributed. It’s that …
Staff appreciation.
Staff appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate every staff member in your practice. The recommended action is to proactively tell each team member how much you appreciate them being part of …
Patient Appreciation.
Patient Appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate every patient that you have. The recommended action is to tell every patient how much you appreciate them being part of your practice. It’s that …