We love our patients! You might want to adopt this mantra as part of your practice culture. Develop a “no fault, no blame” environment where every patient is to be loved. If you can actually come to …
Where will your practice be in five years?
Where will your practice be in five years? Believe it or not, the answer depends more on referral marketing than any other single factor. You can desire anything, but you must have the referrals to …
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Don’t let other people tell you what you can’t do.
Don’t let other people tell you what you can’t do. Human potential is amazing. Every day, people achieve things that they never thought they could achieve. The first step is to figure out what you …
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Lower your stress.
Lower your stress. The best way to lower stress is to create the most efficient systems for the practice. Adding the right steps, eliminating waste, and enhancing efficiency all work to decrease or …
Are you prepared?
Are you prepared? What happens if a team member decides to leave the practice? The single best way to be prepared in advance is to have documented, proven, step-by-step systems in place. These take …
If you want to fight inflation…
If you want to fight inflation…You can outsource certain services such as payroll to take pressure off the practice, decrease the need to hire additional staff, or avoid working too many extra hours. …
Where do you find great referral marketing strategies?
Where do you find great referral marketing strategies? The answer is literally everywhere. Specialists can develop all kinds of new strategies simply by paying attention to what is happening in …
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Embrace the new hire.
Embrace the new hire. When a new hire joins your practice, no matter what their experience level is, they must learn about a new culture and get used to all the office operations. If you embrace the …
Don’t trust a marketing plan without testing it.
Don’t trust a marketing plan without testing it. In the world of marketing, there is an entire science of research and testing to determine if a marketing proposal and plan will work for an individual …
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How can I help a colleague today?
How can I help a colleague today? Every day, create a “moment of magic” for a colleague by doing one extra thing for them. How can you pitch in to help, take over for, or make a difference to one of …
If you want to fight inflation…
If you want to fight inflation… Negotiate more often and ask for what you want. There’s nothing wrong with telling a supply representative that you would like to reduce your costs in one area by 10% …
Don’t ignore any of your referral sources.
Don’t ignore any of your referral sources. There’s a natural tendency to focus mostly on your top referral sources. They often become your friends and gradually get more of your attention. But you may …
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