Advisor appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate your core group of advisors. These are the other professionals that guide, mentor, and protect you. Let them know how much you appreciate them. …
External appreciation.
External appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate those who contribute to your practice, but do not work in your practice. For example, a supply representative or your laboratory. Reach out and …
Self-appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate yourself. You are dedicated, committed and work hard. Remind yourself how much you appreciate what you have accomplished and contributed. It’s that …
Staff appreciation.
Staff appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate every staff member in your practice. The recommended action is to proactively tell each team member how much you appreciate them being part of …
Patient Appreciation.
Patient Appreciation. Take time this week to appreciate every patient that you have. The recommended action is to tell every patient how much you appreciate them being part of your practice. It’s that …
How quickly should I launch new referral marketing strategies?
How quickly should I launch new referral marketing strategies? Launching new referral marketing strategies is critical to referral marketing success. By regularly introducing new strategies, specialty …
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End every patient visit by asking…
End every patient visit by asking… Ask each patient if there is anything else you can do for them. In most cases the answer will be “No, thank you.” However, asking patients if you can do anything for …
Whenever you give a patient information, follow it up by giving the benefit.
Whenever you give a patient information, follow it up by giving the benefit. For example, if you’re closing your practice for a continuing education day, you should explain that the practice is closed …
Show appreciation for callers.
Show appreciation for callers. Very often, phone calls feel like annoying interruptions; however, this is the wrong attitude. The telephone is a lifeline to the practice and every caller should feel …
When is the time to throw away your current systems?
When is the time to throw away your current systems? When specialty practice growth begins to slow down. If the practice growth is slowing or you are in a plateau or even declining, it usually means …
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Increase your referral marketing ASAP.
Increase your referral marketing ASAP. We are never alarmist at Levin Group, but the economy is experiencing a real downturn. Many people react more to the price of gasoline or their stock portfolio …
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How do you determine if a patient is completely satisfied with their practice experience?
How do you determine if a patient is completely satisfied with their practice experience? You ask them. At the end of every patient visit simply ask “Mrs. Jones, are you completely satisfied with …