Your PRC is part of the team. Your professional relations coordinator (PRC), who may have the most significant job in the practice in terms of short-term and long-term success, must be part of the …
Inconsistency creates failure.
Inconsistency creates failure. Of the 11 categories we have identified that lead to referral marketing failure, inconsistency is number one by far. Don’t be the specialty practice that waits until you …
Everyone deserves respect.
Everyone deserves respect. In dental practices, every doctor, team member, patient, sales representative or person that enters the office deserves respect. You may feel like someone is annoying, …
What is your superpower?
What is your superpower? We believe that everyone has something special about them in their ability to relate to other people. Dentistry is a personal and relationship-driven business and …
Stay on top of trends in the profession.
Stay on top of trends in the profession. Successful dental practices utilize research and data to do strategic planning as well as to manage their day-to-day operations. There are many excellent …
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Don’t point fingers.
Don’t point fingers. Some referring doctors send cases that either should’ve never been started or have significant complications. Be certain to communicate to the referring doctor the exact situation …
Are you investing your time in the right places?
Are you investing your time in the right places? Specialists typically look for opportunities to meet and greet potential referring doctors. Unfortunately, many venues aren’t conducive to building …
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Do it now.
Do it now. Any task that takes less than three minutes should be done the moment you identify it. Otherwise, tasks are likely to pile up, be forgotten, or never get done. …
Motivate yourself and everyone around you.
Motivate yourself and everyone around you. If you come to work with energy, everyone picks up on it and it influences their own energy. We really do believe that energy is transferable and contagious …
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Interest-free financing?
Interest-free financing? As the economy becomes more challenging, some patients will need additional assistance to afford dentistry. Fortunately, interest-free financing is available and should be …
How to develop new habits.
How to develop new habits. The fastest way to develop new habits is to go slow. The Navy SEALs have an expression: “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.” If you’re going to change your habits, pick one …
You can achieve just about anything!
You can achieve just about anything! In the science of positive thinking, you are taught to believe that you can achieve about anything. We have seen practices accomplish amazing results and doctors …
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