Become invaluable. One of the best ways to build relationships with referring doctors is to become invaluable. When you’re the practice that they can count on every time and anytime, they’re going to …
Never get to burnout.
Never get to burnout. If you feel like you’re starting to become more fatigued or burned out, look at your systems and find ways to make processes easier, more effortless, and more enjoyable. …
Are things easy for you?
Are things easy for you? Is your practice an easy place to get work done? The more friction that you have in completing tasks, the more inefficiency there is in the practice systems. …
Production is not the same as revenue.
Production is not the same as revenue. High producing practices are often thrilled with their performance but don’t realize that they could improve revenue by analyzing insurance participation, using …
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New technology takes more time than you think.
New technology takes more time than you think. When changing or adding technology components to your practice, always leave a little bit of extra time as a buffer. Inevitably, issues will arise that …
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Everyone in the practice should care.
Everyone in the practice should care. Focus on the total patient and let them know that their care is the role of everyone in the practice. …
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Use your mission statement.
Use your mission statement. Regularly discussing the mission statement as the true purpose of why the practice exists creates independence, higher levels of performance and satisfaction amongst your …
Use your mission statement.
Use your mission statement. Regularly discussing the mission statement as the true purpose of why the practice exists creates independence, higher levels of performance and satisfaction amongst your …
What did you learn today?
What did you learn today? A wonderful way to live your life and career is to learn at least one new thing every day. …
Know your core values.
Know your core values. Identify 4 to 6 core values that define the essence of the practice and will never be violated. Hang the values in the staff room and talk about at least one of them in every …
Meet with your PRC.
Meet with your PRC. It’s essential to meet with your professional relations coordinator (PRC) about the marketing plan at least once a week. The plan must be reviewed and, if necessary, updated. …
Take a day off from questions.
Take a day off from questions. What if you announced to the team that for one day, they may not ask the doctor any questions that don’t apply directly to clinical treatment and clinical excellence for …