Lead by example. Anyone in the practice who wants to be a leader can step up simply by exemplifying good leadership characteristics in their day-to-day interactions. …
What if you lost your best referral source?
What if you lost your best referral source? Many practices rely on their existing relationships and best referral sources for a significant portion of their revenue. It is a good idea to constantly …
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End with a summary.
End with a summary. Whenever you ask someone to do something, summarize the conversation by saying something like “Great, then you’ll take care of that by Thursday.“ It’s a great way to reinforce …
Say I’m sorry.
Say I’m sorry. Never be afraid to apologize. Apologizing, even when you’re not wrong, motivates other people to be more cooperative. …
Getting into the top 25%: Address problems areas quickly.
Getting into the top 25%: Address problems areas quickly. If you want to build a practice that is in the top 25% of production, study referral patterns every month. If you see any area that is …
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Whatever you need!
Whatever you need! Some of the most successful specialists simply let referring doctors know that they will take care of anything that they need. It’s a simple policy, but a powerful one. …
Be flexible.
Be flexible. If an A-level referring doctor makes a request that is outside of your normal systems and protocols, you must still try to do everything you can to meet their needs. …
Don’t look too busy.
Don’t look too busy. Many specialists and front desk specialty team members often sound very busy when they are talking to referring doctors and staff. This comes across as being uncaring and having …
Maximize the number of contacts.
Maximize the number of contacts. Quantity in referral marketing is just as important as quality. You must have enough contacts with referring doctors to maintain relationships, loyalty and referrals. …
What inspires you?
What inspires you? Figure out what it is and think about it every morning on your way to work. You’re guaranteed to have better days. …
Reread your texts.
Reread your texts. Texting in a professional setting can have a significant negative impact when you send the wrong message. Misspellings, the wrong emoji, or auto spellcheck can all make you look as …
Should you buy it?
Should you buy it? There are many new technologies being marketed to dentists, but you don’t need them all. Ask yourself whether it will increase quality, speed, efficiency, or return on investment. …