Script every patient interaction. Scripting helps dentists and team members communicate more effectively with patients. As in sports, working from the same “playbook” builds team unity. Scripting …
Set the example.
Set the example. A leader is the example that other people will follow. Leaders who ask team members to behave and act one way but do not do it themselves send a counterproductive message. Take the …
Don’t get confused by insurance codes.
Don’t get confused by insurance codes. If you’re having trouble understanding which codes to use for insurance, simply contact the insurance company. You hear about many tricks and gimmicks but you …
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Manage the practice’s time.
Manage the practice’s time. The schedule serves as your practice’s primary time management tool, determining how the doctor’s and staff members’ time will be used. Schedule patients wisely, based on …
Keep an eye on profit.
Keep an eye on profit. How are you measuring your practice success? Jim Collins, author of the book Good to Great, talks about having one number that is the most important number in your practice. …
Track average production per new and long-term patient.
Track average production per new and long-term patient. To understand your total production numbers—and improve them—start with patient metrics. Monitoring these figures will motivate you to use …
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Bring outstanding energy every single day.
Bring outstanding energy every single day. Energy is more than just a display of behavior. It creates trust in other people. High energy practices foster more trust and case acceptance in …
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Learn one new thing about every patient every day.
Learn one new thing about every patient every day. People want to know that you’re interested in them and you care about them. And when you take an interest in other people, they begin to take an …
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Don’t let a bad mood bring down your day.
Don’t let a bad mood bring down your day. Everyone has bad days. It’s normal and it’s human. The key is to recognize it, accept it, and show up. There are days where you’ll simply have to fake your …
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Technology cannot replace human relations.
Technology cannot replace human relations. Technology is fantastic at making practices better, faster, and more efficient. But it’s important not to rely on technology in place of human relations. …
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Reduce no-shows to the Levin Group target of under 1%.
Reduce no-shows to the Levin Group target of under 1%. If you attempt to contact a no-show patient and don’t reach them, they move into the category of an overdue patient. You want to continue to …
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Ask new patients how they heard about your practice.
Ask new patients how they heard about your practice. Once patients have been welcomed, find out what made them choose your practice. A simple question like, “Who can we thank for referring you?” …
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