Create a systems manual. Up-to-date documentation for all systems should be gathered together in one place—a systems manual. This is an essential reference for the entire practice. Among other …
Maintain a lively practice atmosphere.
Maintain a lively practice atmosphere. Professionalism and attentive care don’t preclude pleasant human interaction around and with patients. As long as it doesn’t interfere with the quality of …
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Don’t try to be the “winner” all the time.
Don’t try to be the “winner” all the time. When the team is brainstorming to solve a problem, by all means put your best thinking forward… but don’t become overly protective of your own ideas. Be …
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Use “active listening” with patients.
Use “active listening” with patients. Demonstrate that you understand and respect what patients are saying by listening for their key points and repeating them in your own words in a questioning tone …
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Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Create a database of patient marketing strategies.
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Create a database of patient marketing strategies. To help you manage referral promotion activities, the database should include the totals of monthly referrals, …
Before buying new technology, check the reviews.
Before buying new technology, check the reviews. When you need to purchase new equipment or software for the practice, don’t rely solely on the manufacturer’s marketing materials. They will …
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Understand that emotions play a big role in the decision to get an implant.
Understand that emotions play a big role in the decision to get an implant. Many decisions made by patients about getting treatment are driven by the fact that the patient needs the service. The …
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Give credit for good ideas.
Give credit for good ideas. We all like to get credit for our suggestions and we don’t like it when people take credit for others’ thinking. Note the ideas expressed by other team members. If you talk …
Manage your online reputation.
Manage your online reputation. If you Google your practice, you may be surprised at what you see. Try to correct any negatives you find, because the internet is how most new patients will learn about …
Secure computers at the end of the day.
Secure computers at the end of the day. All practice computers should be shut down or locked when the office is closed to prevent any type of security breach. A running computer could give the wrong …
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For Practice Owners – Valuation Factor: Quality of Systems.
For Practice Owners – Valuation Factor: Quality of Systems. Dental practices with excellent systems merit a higher practice value. It’s a matter of sustainability. CEOs understand that sustained …
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What is your practice’s brand personality?
What is your practice’s brand personality? Market research indicates that people think of businesses, products and services in human terms. If your practice were a person, how would you describe him …
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