Promote cosmetic dentistry. Doctors and hygienists should mention cosmetic services to patients, using brochures and visual aids to create interest. Internal marketing activities—special promotions, …
Advice for the Dentist – Evaluate mid-year progress.
Advice for the Dentist – Evaluate mid-year progress. Is your practice on target to reach its annual goals for production, new patients, elective treatment and case acceptance? Do you know what’s …
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Advice for the Dentist – Respond decisively to conflict.
Advice for the Dentist – Respond decisively to conflict. Staff conflict creates stress and can destroy efficiency, so deal with it quickly. Rather than taking sides, focus on resolving differences… …
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Project confidence and professionalism.
Project confidence and professionalism. Whatever your role in the practice, your manner will affect the mood for everyone there, including patients. A dental practice is a relatively small space, so …
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Don’t take current patients for granted.
Don’t take current patients for granted. The focus on attracting new patients can sometimes cause practices to under-appreciate existing patients. Always go out of your way to value the patients who …
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If you answer the first call from potential patients, establish rapport.
If you answer the first call from potential patients, establish rapport. When prospective patients call, make them feel that calling your practice was an excellent idea. This means that, in addition …
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Advice for the Hygienist – Think of yourself as the primary relationship builder.
Advice for the Hygienist – Think of yourself as the primary relationship builder. Typically, the hygienist has more one-to-one contact with patients than anyone else on the practice team. Take …
Advice for the Dentist – Dispense oral health products.
Advice for the Dentist – Dispense oral health products. It’s not about making money. It’s about demonstrating to your patients that you want them to achieve better oral health. In-office dispensing of …
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Turn esthetic patients into “practice ambassadors.”
Turn esthetic patients into “practice ambassadors.” Give these patients certificates that will entitle their friends and neighbors to a free cosmetic examination, including radiographs, at no cost. …
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Present ideal treatment to every patient.
Present ideal treatment to every patient. Appropriate treatment should always be presented. Let patients know all the options available for improving their oral health as well as their smiles. This …
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Emphasize the use of patient insurance benefits.
Emphasize the use of patient insurance benefits. Many patients are confused about their insurance plans. They don’t necessarily understand what is or isn’t covered. Consequently, they may put off …
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Improve efficiency with a hygiene assistant.
Improve efficiency with a hygiene assistant. To increase hygiene production, consider adding a hygiene assistant. This will require the use of two dedicated treatment rooms so the hygienist can move …
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