Can improving practice systems be easy? Yes, especially if what needs to be done is prioritized and addresses one part of one system at a time. …
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Increasing Practice Production Every Year
Can improving practice systems be easy? Yes, especially if what needs to be done is prioritized and addresses one part of one system at a time. …
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When will the staffing shortage end? No one knows the exact answer, but it may take a while. The key is to build a great culture of positivity and have clear recruiting and hiring models that work for …
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Tell every patient that you’re committed to optimal oral health. This is always a great statement to let patients know that based on any procedure that they need, the practice is always committed to …
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Be aware of opportunities. Opportunities are all around dentists and dental practices. If you don’t look for opportunities, you may miss the one or two that could truly benefit your practice at the …
A great way to lose patients…Simply doing the basics and not working on building relationships will cause some patients to leave the practice. Functional relationships with patients are no longer good …
Collections count. Make sure your practice hits the Levin Group target of collecting 98% of all adjusted production every year. EXCLUSIVE 20% Savings for Tip of the Day Subscribers VIDEO COURSE …
Your costs have gone up. When costs go up, as they have in the last few years, the single best strategy to offset those costs is to increase practice production. This will keep your overhead …
Every team member needs to know exactly what to do. If you don’t have a list of exactly what each team member is to do each day, then put one together. When you do this, you’ll find that team …
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Scheduling is the key system for the practice. If you do not have the right schedule using mathematical analysis, then all other systems will be less effective. …
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Reinforce the benefits. Every time you see a patient, reinforce the benefits of their appointment. Outline three benefits of each type of service that can be reviewed briefly with the patient in a …
If you’re not growing, you’re declining. This is one of the most important business principles. If you’re not growing on a regular basis, then it is more likely that you are declining. EXCLUSIVE …
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Keep politics out of the office. Our political situation is so intense, and it takes very little to set someone off and create a conflict. You’ll be far better off keeping politics out of a …
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