Retrain the front desk. Your front desk may have work habits that have been around for years. As dentistry becomes more competitive, it is essential that the front desk be retrained to focus on …
Case presentation includes psychology.
Case presentation includes psychology. If you want to increase practice production, then you want to increase case acceptance. Presenting cases is not just a matter of using a step-by-step system. It …
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Learn one new thing about every patient.
Learn one new thing about every patient. It does not matter whether it is a new patient or a current patient. Taking the time to learn something new about them personally enhances relationships and …
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How good was your customer service yesterday?
How good was your customer service yesterday? A great exercise is for every team member to offer a score between 0 and 10 each morning on how well they delivered customer service the day before. This …
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Reduce overhead by one percent.
Reduce overhead by one percent. One way to start reducing overhead is to ask the team member who handles ordering to reduce costs by one percent. Give this person this objective and the freedom and …
Just one objective.
Just one objective. Teams run best when there is accountability. Every team member should have one “top” objective that they are asked to achieve during the year. This is the first step in building …
Case presentation includes psychology.
Case presentation includes psychology. If you want to increase practice production, then you want to increase case acceptance. Presenting cases is not just a matter of using a scientific step-by-step …
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Learn one new thing about every patient.
Learn one new thing about every patient. It does not matter whether it is a new patient or a current patient. Taking the time to learn something new about them personally enhances relationships and …
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How good was your customer service today?
How good was your customer service today? A great exercise is for every team member to offer a score between 0 and 10 each morning on how well they delivered customer service the day before. This …
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Reduce overhead by one percent.
Reduce overhead by one percent. One way to start reducing overhead is to ask the team member who handles ordering to reduce costs by one percent. Give this person this objective and the freedom and …
Just one objective.
Just one objective. Teams run best when there is accountability. Every team member should have one objective that they are asked to achieve during the year. This is the first step in building great …
Pick one thing to work on for your leadership profile.
Pick one thing to work on for your leadership profile. Many dentists, office managers, and team members can become great leaders. In fact, anyone can. But if you make too many radical changes in your …
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