Cut one expense. To start addressing overhead control, simply find one expense that you can reduce by any amount. Take the first step and then go from there. …
Data tells a story.
Data tells a story. When you first start looking at your practice data, it can be confusing. But in a short time, it will begin to tell you a story about the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and …
Scripting increases production.
Scripting increases production. Practices that use well-developed scripts, along with their systems, have much higher production than others. …
Outrageous customer service.
Outrageous customer service. You probably have good customer service. You may even have great customer service. But if you want to take it to the highest level, take it to “outrageous customer …
Making the tough call.
Making the tough call. Every year, every practice will have to make a certain number of tough calls. Some involve simply choosing which technology to buy and others are uncomfortable decisions, such …
Who is your cheerleader?
Who is your cheerleader? Sometimes the cheerleader in the practice comes from an unexpected place. It could be the brand-new assistant that just joined the practice who is 18 years old, or it could be …
Hygienists should promote treatment.
Hygienists should promote treatment. Dental hygienists have time during the hygiene appointment to promote treatment to patients. They should be talking about all patients’ possible needs based or …
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Check those insurance codes.
Check those insurance codes. We still see many practices using the wrong insurance codes or not being aware of new codes that have emerged. This causes an annual loss of practice …
Don’t become obsolete.
Don’t become obsolete. If you’re doing things the way you did them even a few years ago, you may be becoming obsolete in the job. The world continues to change, and everyone needs to be retrained …
Invest in team training.
Invest in team training. Practices that invest in team training will help every team member to operate at the highest level and with the best results. …
Do you know your maximum debt level?
Do you know your maximum debt level? Every practice should have a sense of the maximum debt that the practice, as a business, will be allowed to have. This will keep the practice healthy and strong …
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Why do so many practices ignore scripting?
Why do so many practices ignore scripting? We have often heard staff members say that scripting would make them robotic, and this is not true. Scripting simply makes communication more effective, and …
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