Always look for ways to improve. Many people peak early in their lives and careers and just float along after that. Those who have the most satisfaction are the ones that work to continually improve, …
If you’re frustrated…
If you’re frustrated…Frustration is exhausting because we think of all the issues that are frustrating us and they keep coming back. A great exercise is to make a “frustration list.” Write down …
How to treat a new sales representative.
How to treat a new sales representative. A typical complaint by dentists is that they like their old representative better. That may be true if the new representative is not as highly trained, or …
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What else should I look for when building a new schedule?
What else should I look for when building a new schedule? Procedural time studies and annual production goals are the essential starting points, but there are other factors to be considered. What type …
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Be compassionate with patients about the economy.
Be compassionate with patients about the economy. If a patient expresses concern about accepting treatment because they are worried about the economy, your response should be one of compassion. Simply …
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Put air in your tires.
Put air in your tires. Some days (or weeks) just feel flat. If there was a digital gauge, like the kind we have in our cars for tire pressure, it would show that the tires are losing air. In this case …
Make three improvements per month.
Make three improvements per month. Add an agenda item to your monthly staff meeting to identify three improvements that the practice will make in the next 30 days. By addressing improvements, the …
Speed counts.
Speed counts. In any business speed is a factor in determining some level of success. Most practices are at 30% – 50% below their real production potential. Analyze the practice for opportunities to …
Follow up on all unaccepted case presentations.
Follow up on all unaccepted case presentations. If a patient leaves the office following a case presentation without scheduling, you need to have a follow-up system. Following up is now just as …
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If you don’t fix the small problem…
If you don’t fix the small problem…It is easy to put off fixing small problems. However, it's often the case that when you put off fixing small problems, you gradually begin to put off fixing medium …
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Cut that cost!
Cut that cost! See if you can find one expense that the practice really doesn’t need. Make it a game for the entire team. Whoever can reduce the cost of over $1,000 to the practice should win some …
Find a podcast.
Find a podcast. When you find a basic business and entrepreneurship podcast and listen to it regularly, you will get some good ideas for your practice. …