Don’t let anxiety overtake you. In a recent survey by the American Dental Association, a record number of dentists reported having anxiety. One way to reduce anxiety is to develop checklists for the …
Is it fraud?
Is it fraud? If you’re wondering if a certain approach to filing insurance is fraud, call the insurance company. You can trust that they won’t give you bad information just to keep you from getting …
Will a negative event hurt you?
Will a negative event hurt you? Over the last 38 years we have been contacted by many dentists after a negative event occurs in their practice. It could be a lawsuit, a patient requesting a refund, or …
Build a new schedule.
Build a new schedule. Every 3 to 5 years practices need to build a new schedule. You may not be getting faster, but there are faster materials, technologies, and techniques that can help to increase …
A fantastic way to get to know patients better.
A fantastic way to get to know patients better. Using the simple phrase “tell me more“ when a patient is sharing information will demonstrate your sincere interest and make them feel …
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How old are your job descriptions?
How old are your job descriptions? If you have job descriptions take them out, dust them off, and get everyone involved in updating them. Develop the new job descriptions with the team to get the best …
What do you do in the mornings?
What do you do in the mornings? We can’t stress enough how important we believe it is to have a morning routine. Every team member should walk into the office and have a checklist of how to start the …
The trash bag challenge.
The trash bag challenge. We recently read about a concept called the “trash bag challenge” that instructs people (who are willing) to collect unused items in trash bags and commit to throwing away one …
Appeal more often.
Appeal more often. Many practices rarely bother to appeal a rejected insurance claim. But the more often you do, the more likely it is that patients will be covered. Practices do not measure how many …
Why is scripting powerful?
Why is scripting powerful? Because how you say things can be far more important than what you say. If you want patients to have high value for the practice and appreciate the excellence that you …
What is the most important resource that we have?
What is the most important resource that we have? Some people would say money, others would say health, and there are also people who would say family. These are all great answers but there are many …
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How is your personal profit and loss statement?
How is your personal profit and loss statement? You should pay close attention to your profit and loss (P& L) statement at the end of each month. This is what good businesspeople do. But how are …
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