No more excuses. Excuses are easy. So is blaming others. Always take the approach that you’re responsible for whatever happens to you and then do something about it. …
Compete with yourself.
Compete with yourself. The world’s top competitors don’t compare themselves to others. They compete against themselves so that they can continually improve. Sports science has shown that this is a far …
Promote the doctor to patients every day.
Promote the doctor to patients every day. In the end, patients “buy” the doctor. When they feel that the doctor is caring, compassionate, and focused, and provides high-quality care, they have an …
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Get back to basics.
Get back to basics. If the practice is not running as smoothly as you would like, look at your systems and determine which ones aren’t working. …
Get caught up on dental hygiene.
Get caught up on dental hygiene. Believe it or not, most practices have tens of thousands of dollars of lost production every year simply from falling behind on basic ancillary hygiene services like …
Compliment mistakes.
Compliment mistakes. The next time a coworker makes a sincere mistake, give them a compliment. Seriously. Instead of reacting with annoyance and judgment, why not simply say, “Hey you made a mistake, …
Just say “I’m sorry.”
Just say “I’m sorry.” Two words that the American public loves are “I’m sorry.” We want our celebrities to apologize when they do something stupid, we want athletes to apologize when they make a big …
Expose yourself to something new.
Expose yourself to something new. People spend most of their lives exposing themselves to things that they are already familiar with. They view the same type of television shows, watch the same type …
Production is the most important metric.
Production is the most important metric. We have written extensively about production being the single most important metric in a dental practice. Each day, try to find one way to increase production …
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Take control.
Take control. You can’t control the uncertain factors that could occur in the future; however, you can control what you are doing right now to build the best possible practice. Focusing on …
Do you have “confirmation bias?”
Do you have “confirmation bias?” Confirmation bias is having preset beliefs that enter your decision making. The challenge is that in many cases the confirmation bias is incorrect and leads to bad …
Never lose your temper.
Never lose your temper. There is never a benefit in losing your temper. Rafael Nadal, winner of more grand slam titles than any other male tennis player in history, has never purposefully thrown or …