Lower your stress. The best way to lower stress is to create the most efficient systems for the practice. Adding the right steps, eliminating waste, and enhancing efficiency all work to decrease or …
Are you prepared?
Are you prepared? What happens if a team member decides to leave the practice? The single best way to be prepared in advance is to have documented, proven, step-by-step systems in place. These take …
If you want to fight inflation…
If you want to fight inflation…You can outsource certain services such as payroll to take pressure off the practice, decrease the need to hire additional staff, or avoid working too many extra hours. …
Change is the only constant.
Change is the only constant. We all know that change occurs, and we must adapt to it. Right now, change is happening faster than ever before. Try to identify the top three actions you will take …
Are you turning off patients?
Are you turning off patients? Some practices are very busy and not able to work patients in for weeks or even months. If you are in this situation, you may be surprised that your front desk staff is …
Don’t trust a marketing plan without testing it.
Don’t trust a marketing plan without testing it. In the world of marketing, there is an entire science of research and testing to determine if a marketing proposal and plan will work for an individual …
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How can I help a colleague today?
How can I help a colleague today? Every day, create a “moment of magic” for a colleague by doing one extra thing for them. How can you pitch in to help, take over for, or make a difference to one of …
If you want to fight inflation…
If you want to fight inflation… Negotiate more often and ask for what you want. There’s nothing wrong with telling a supply representative that you would like to reduce your costs in one area by 10% …
Ask every patient a question.
Ask every patient a question. Asking questions engages people, raises their level of trust, and shows how much you like them. Asking patients about how they are or what is new in their life helps to …
Interest-free financing…
Interest-free financing…These are beautiful words to any patient or consumer. Interest-free financing makes things sound affordable. Interest-free financing makes things sound convenient. …
Embrace the new hire.
Embrace the new hire. When a new hire joins your practice, no matter what their experience level is, they must learn about a new culture and get used to all the office operations. If you embrace the …
If you want to fight inflation…
If you want to fight inflation…To counteract inflation, decrease overhead. Analyze what you’re buying and ask yourself if you really need it, research other products that are of equal quality but …