Teamwork is so much better. A group of people each acting on their own is far less effective than a group of people working together in total support. If your practice has any level of the “it’s not …
Start with why.
Start with why. When you want to make a transformation in the practice to improve performance, start by explaining to the team why the transformation needs to happen. If people don’t know why, they …
Reactivate any patient without their next appointment.
Reactivate any patient without their next appointment. As the economy slows down, keeping patients scheduled becomes a bigger challenge. Practices should have a dedicated time every day for reaching …
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Build value in every phone call.
Build value in every phone call. People are worried about the economy even if they don’t have financial challenges. In the 2008–2009 recession we saw hygiene patients canceling, not scheduling, or not …
Hire your own personal assistant for free.
Hire your own personal assistant for free. Take time to read about all the different things that can be done for you by the voice activated assistant on your phone. Voice activated assistants have …
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Are you having fun?
Are you having fun? There’s a wonderful story about a business school professor who was co-authoring a book. He was very frustrated at one point in the process and the other professor said to him: “If …
What does a dental team member really want?
What does a dental team member really want? People are motivated in different ways including money, professionalism, working four days a week, and the enjoyment of patients coming through the office. …
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Inspire every patient.
Inspire every patient. It’s been a long two years and not everyone is comfortable with the pandemic or the state of the world today. More patients visit dentists than any other type of medical …
Why is transformation hard?
Why is transformation hard? Transformation is hard because in many cases the practice leadership does not clearly communicate all the necessary steps to achieve the transformation with the team. Try …
Keep your team for life.
Keep your team for life. In my research for a new book about long-term teams, one of the most important findings that increased team longevity was the existence of an environment of caring and …
Get prepared.
Get prepared. Every practice will occasionally have to hire a new team member. You can prepare in advance by periodically updating the job advertisement, deciding where you will advertise, and …
Be proactive.
Be proactive. The economy is declining and will most likely decline further. This does not have to be all gloom and doom if you’re taking the right steps now to protect production, profit, and income. …