The economy is shifting. When economic trends change direction, watch carefully for changes in your practice. It is typical in down economies for practices to not realize that they are slowing down. …
Show appreciation for every caller.
Show appreciation for every caller. Very often patient phone calls feel like “annoying interruptions.” But this is the wrong attitude. Guard against it. The telephone is a lifeline to the practice and …
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End every patient visit by asking…
End every patient visit by asking… The last thing you should say to every patient is actually a question. Ask each patient if there is anything else you can do for them. In most cases the answer will …
Thank every patient, every time.
Thank every patient, every time. Make it a goal that no patient leaves the practice without receiving a thank you. Never underestimate the power of small gestures. …
Always give the benefit.
Always give the benefit. When presenting information to a patient be sure to always include the benefits. For example, if you are planning to close your practice for a continuing education day, be …
How to introduce a new service.
How to introduce a new service. Introducing a new service is a wonderful way to increase practice production and profitability. When introducing a new service, the practice should have a multi-step …
If you want to fight inflation…
If you want to fight inflation… One way to fight inflation is to increase practice volume. Volume is a factor of efficiency. For example, if dental assistants had advanced training and became even 10% …
How do you get patients to like you?
How do you get patients to like you? Research has already established that people who like you will trust you more and accept more treatment. Dale Carnegie had it right in his book, How to Win Friends …
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Remember where you came from.
Remember where you came from. Every doctor and team member should take time to think back to their first days in practice. Why did you become a dentist or team member? The answer is because you wanted …
Promote interest-free financing.
Promote interest-free financing. One strategy to increase the use of interest-free financing, which always increases practice production and profit, is to tell every patient who calls that …
Never be too busy…
Never be too busy…It is a reality that sometimes practices are just too busy to pay attention to their patients. Or at least the patient who is in front of them. Sometimes there is so much going on …
The likability factor.
The likability factor. One of the areas that you rarely hear about in regard to successful practices and case acceptance, is the likability factor. If you want to increase everything from referrals to …