Take five. Take five minutes today to sit down with no distractions or interruptions and think of at least one way to improve your practice or your life. It is a great habit to develop …
Tune out the noise.
Tune out the noise. There is so much noise around us in terms of news, information, social media, telephone alerts, etc. that many people are overwhelmed and don’t even realize it. Tune out and turn …
Be leading-edge.
Be leading-edge. You may have systems in your practice, but some may be outdated. Upgrading your systems will increase revenue every year. …
Watch body language.
Watch body language. In case presentation, body language from a patient can tell you a great deal about what they’re thinking. Do they look energized or turned off? Excited or nonchalant? Look for …
Make someone’s day better.
Make someone’s day better. If you say something positive to everyone you touch today, you will make their day better. …
Celebrate! Many days they are small wins that should be celebrated. Acknowledge these in the next morning meeting and congratulate team members who made it happen. …
Don’t get tired.
Don’t get tired. Build your schedule so that you can do your biggest and toughest cases in the morning and make the cases easier and easier throughout the day. Your goal is to go home energized not …
Know your patients.
Know your patients. Ask yourself before you see each patient if there’s anything in particular that you need to know such as their fears, financial challenges, preferred appointment times, etc. This …
Build a culture of teamwork.
Build a culture of teamwork. The easiest way to create a culture of great teamwork is simply to ask others in the office if there is anything you can do to help them. …
Submit your fees.
Submit your fees. Be sure to submit your fee schedule at least once a year to all insurance plans in which the practice participates. Occasionally you will see a rise in your profile. …
Develop scripts.
Develop scripts. Top practices have scripts for all routine conversations in order to have a positive and motivating influence on patients. …
Pick a system.
Pick a system. Select one system to improve over the next 90 days. It could be scheduling, case presentation, productivity, insurance management, collections, customer service or others. Start with …