Outrageous customer service. Don’t strive simply to provide good customer service. In today’s world it is the extreme of outrageous customer service that will build your brand, attract new patients, …
Own it.
Own it. Whatever is happening in your life take control and “own it.” People who make excuses have much slower results. …
Will social media work for you?
Will social media work for you? Maybe or maybe not. Don’t sign any long-term contracts that won’t allow you exit them if things aren't working out. …
Your practice has a 30% – 50% production potential increase.
Your practice has a 30% – 50% production potential increase. Do not settle for just having the practice you have today. Almost all practices have the potential to grow by 30% – 50% in just a few …
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Dentistry does not have industry standards.
Dentistry does not have industry standards. Do not pay attention to what others tell you about what your practice should be doing in terms of key numbers. Each practice is unique and can achieve …
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Growth protects your future.
Growth protects your future. The best way to make sure your practice does not plateau or decline in production is to continue to grow. It does not have to be a lot, but it is the best strategy to …
Reevaluate your fee schedule.
Reevaluate your fee schedule. It is essential to periodically reevaluate your fee schedule and recognize that there is no rule that says you can only raise fees once a year. Work on improving your …
Don’t fix the system, replace it.
Don’t fix the system, replace it. It is always easier to fix a system because it takes less effort. But sometimes you’re far better off building a new system from the ground up. For example, building …
Being positive really does make a difference.
Being positive really does make a difference. If I could tell every practice leader one thing to improve their culture and performance, it would be to become super positive. It doesn’t matter whether …
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Build a team ownership mentality.
Build a team ownership mentality. The highest level of achieving a world-class practice is to build a team that has an ownership mentality. When the team acts like owners, they will make great …
Start right now.
Start right now. We have met many dentists who waited months or years to get started on improving their practices. The key is to make a decision to have a great practice and start working on it …
Systems let you grow 30% – 50%.
Systems let you grow 30% – 50%. When you have the right systems and continually improve them, production with grow exponentially. …