Communicate better as a team. While being polite and professional is essential, positive communication goes much further than that. An office trying to handle a busy day can become demoralized if just …
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Create a multi-strategy marketing plan.
Advice for the Marketing Coordinator – Create a multi-strategy marketing plan. To be effective, a marketing program for your practice should include at least 15 distinct, ongoing strategies. Include a …
Embrace change.
Embrace change. Orthodontics is constantly evolving. So should your skills. Team members should receive yearly training in the appropriate areas, including clinical, administrative and practice …
Identify candidates for before-and-after photos.
Identify candidates for before-and-after photos. While every patient is a candidate, those undergoing specialized and complicated treatment may merit greater consideration. In addition, patients who …
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Advice for the Treatment Coordinator (TC) – Dealing with shoppers.
Advice for the Treatment Coordinator (TC) – Dealing with shoppers. Follow-up with parents if they say they have already scheduled a consult at another ortho practice. It is critical that you continue …
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Don’t overlook parents as potential patients.
Don’t overlook parents as potential patients. Many parents are candidates for ortho treatment. Inform them about the number of options now available, especially the less intrusive, “invisible” ones. …
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Advice for the Front Desk Team – Educate parents and patients about the orthodontist.
Advice for the Front Desk Team – Educate parents and patients about the orthodontist. The more they know about your practice, the easier it is to create confidence in the care they will receive. A …
Show appreciation for your co-workers.
Show appreciation for your co-workers. Most people want to be recognized. This can be as simple as just saying “thank you” after another team member helps you with a patient. It’s easy to take fellow …
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Use “power words” during interactions with parents and patients.
Use “power words” during interactions with parents and patients. Superior customer service depends on providing parents and patients a positive experience. One of the best ways to create such an …
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Keep debonds on schedule.
Keep debonds on schedule. Practices should aim for a goal of no more than 2% of patients who are overdue for debonding. Use value scripting with parents to make sure patients maintain their check …
Advice for the Orthodontist – Evaluate mid-year progress.
Advice for the Orthodontist – Evaluate mid-year progress. Is your practice on target to reach its annual goals for production, referrals and starts? Do you know what’s working well and where …
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Advice for the Orthodontist – Respond decisively to conflict.
Advice for the Orthodontist – Respond decisively to conflict. Staff conflict creates stress and can destroy efficiency, so deal with it quickly. Rather than taking sides, focus on resolving …
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