Systems train the team. When the right systems are in place, team training is faster, better and performance improves. …
Move fast if a number falls off.
Move fast if a number falls off. When you’re tracking key performance indicators and see a number fall off, don’t assume it’s a temporary scenario. Move quickly to make improvements. …
Follow up quickly.
Follow up quickly. Many orthodontic practices do not follow up with patients that have not decided to have treatment. Practices should use the strategy of the one-week rule and follow up with patients …
Get to know the new patient.
Get to know the new patient. Before you start clinical diagnosis, it is critical to build a powerful relationship with a new patient. Asking questions on a personal level is a key part of the new …
Set targets and then measure.
Set targets and then measure. Every practice should have a minimum of 15 targets based on practice performance to be achieved. Measure the results and then work to improve. …
Systems determine success.
Systems determine success. The quality of ongoing success in the practice will be directly proportional to the quality of the systems and how often they are upgraded. …
Score yourself today.
Score yourself today. Orthodontists and staff members can individually score themselves 0 to 10 at the end of the day. If you want to make it fun, everyone can report their performance at the next …
Some patients just want aligners.
Some patients just want aligners. Every once in a while, we meet a practice that wants to argue with parents or patients who want aligners. It is important to understand that some patients will go …
How is your team’s energy?
How is your team's energy? Take the temperature of your team's energy on a regular basis and keep propelling it back to the highest levels. …
Can a positive personality increase production?
Can a positive personality increase production? Absolutely! Everyone wants to be around positive leadership, and no one wants to be around negative or critical leadership. …
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Don’t waste today.
Don’t waste today. Make sure that you do not waste today. You will not get it again, so make it a great day where you contribute to others, make a difference, and feel fantastic. …
Every patient gets a compliment.
Every patient gets a compliment. If you want highly satisfied patients, give every patient a compliment every single day. This leads to satisfied patients, more referrals, better reviews, and great …