Always give the benefit. When presenting information to a patient or a parent be sure to always include the benefits. For example, if you are planning to close your practice for a continuing education …
Tell parents and patients that you care.
Tell parents and patients that you care. Work the word “caring” into your scripting. Caring about excellent treatment, caring about beautiful smiles, caring about children’s self-esteem, and caring …
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What is one change you can make today to increase production?
Stay plugged in. As part of your commitment to continual learning, stay up to speed with critical trends and data about the orthodontic specialty. Successful orthodontists look ahead to stay ahead. …
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How do you get parents and patients to like you?
How do you get parents and patients to like you? Research has already established that people who like you will trust you more and accept more treatment. Dale Carnegie had it right in his book, How to …
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Remember where you came from.
Remember where you came from. Every doctor and team member should take time to think back to their first days in practice. Why did you become a dentist or team member? The answer is because you wanted …
Promote interest-free financing.
Promote interest-free financing. One strategy to increase the use of interest-free financing, which always increases practice production and profit, is to tell every parent who calls that …
Don’t give up on referring doctors.
Don’t give up on referring doctors. We know there is a great deal of discussion about referring doctors either doing all the ortho themselves or not being worth the time, effort and focus. However, we …
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Consider this…
Consider this...The following is not a recommendation, but a mini case study on referral marketing. One orthodontic practice that we had the pleasure to meet has 12 staff members. Each of them has …
Everyone deserves respect.
Everyone deserves respect. In dental practices, every doctor, team member, parent, patient, sales representative or person that enters the office deserves respect. You may feel like someone is …
What is your superpower?
What is your superpower? We believe that everyone has something special about them in their ability to relate to other people. Dentistry is a personal and relationship-driven business and …
Stay on top of trends in the profession.
Stay on top of trends in the profession. Successful dental practices utilize research and data to do strategic planning as well as to manage their day-to-day operations. There are many excellent …
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Optimists have higher incomes.
Optimists have higher incomes. I recently read an article that said that optimists generally have higher incomes. It makes sense since these are people who come to work every day to do a great job, …