How can I help a colleague today? Every day, create a “moment of magic” for a colleague by doing one extra thing for them. How can you pitch in to help, take over for, or make a difference to one of …
If you want to fight inflation…
If you want to fight inflation… Negotiate more often and ask for what you want. There’s nothing wrong with telling a supply representative that you would like to reduce your costs in one area by 10% …
Are you friendly enough?
Are you friendly enough? The friendlier the practice, the more patients and parents like you. The more they like you, the more they trust you. The more they trust you, the more people that will …
Do you have a cheerleader?
Do you have a cheerleader? Many orthodontic practices have a team member that is also the practice cheerleader. This team member is a driving force for the practice to have fun days and maintain a …
Interest-free financing…
Interest-free financing…These are beautiful words to any patient or consumer. Interest-free financing makes things sound affordable. Interest-free financing makes things sound convenient. …
If you want to fight inflation…
If you want to fight inflation…To counteract inflation, decrease overhead. Analyze what you’re buying and ask yourself if you really need it, research other products that are of equal quality but …
The economy is shifting.
The economy is shifting. When economic trends change direction, watch carefully for changes in your practice. It is typical in down economies for practices to not realize that they are slowing down. …
Show appreciation for every caller.
Show appreciation for every caller. Very often patient phone calls feel like “annoying interruptions.” But this is the wrong attitude. Guard against it. The telephone is a lifeline to the practice and …
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End every patient visit by asking…
End every patient visit by asking… The last thing you should say to every patient is actually a question. Ask each patient (or their parent) if there is anything else you can do for them. In most …
Thank every patient, every time.
Thank every patient, every time. Make it a goal that no patient or parent leaves the practice without receiving a thank you. Never underestimate the power of small gestures. …
Always give the benefit.
Always give the benefit. When presenting information to a patient or a parent be sure to always include the benefits. For example, if you are planning to close your practice for a continuing education …
Tell parents and patients that you care.
Tell parents and patients that you care. Work the word “caring” into your scripting. Caring about excellent treatment, caring about beautiful smiles, caring about children’s self-esteem, and caring …
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