Were you surprised? 2021 was an excellent year. In fact, it was a record-setting year for many practices. However, there were some practices that actually declined, and it took them by surprise. They …
Let patients know that you contribute.
Let patients know that you contribute. Many orthodontic practices are wonderful at contributing to their communities. If you make contributions or offer sponsorships, you should make every patient …
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How do you handle frustration?
How do you handle frustration? Some people get quiet. Others display a bad mood. Instead of going down a negative rabbit hole, why not identify the frustration and express it clearly to anyone else …
The magic of the number 3.
The magic of the number 3. When analyzing your practice, a simple and powerful approach is to focus on the number 3. For example, what are your 3 top concerns facing the practice? Your top three …
Why not start advertising?
Why not start advertising? The least expensive advertising program is in your own office. Social media is important, but it isn’t the only place to advertise your name and brand. Advertising services …
How fast can you reach high production?
How fast can you reach high production? In Levin Group’s 30-year ongoing study of top 10% performing orthodontic practices, we found that it required approximate seven years to reach the top 10%. …
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Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Are you feeling overwhelmed? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, there is something you can do: simply get started doing the work. Just pick one thing and get going and this will lead to the next thing and …
The world of work is changing.
The world of work is changing. Here is a fun and enjoyable challenge. Help your practice to become a truly fun place to work where everyone appreciates each other and treats colleagues as friends as …
What keeps you awake at night?
What keeps you awake at night? If you have concerns, try identifying all of them on a list. Then go back and identify the top three and put them in priority order regarding impact or potential impact …
Is your overhead going up?
Is your overhead going up? We’ve been having extensive discussions with financial analysts and economists to determine how the economy might affect dentistry. For right now, we’re certain of one …
Would you like me to tell you a little bit about our practice?
Would you like me to tell you a little bit about our practice? This is an excellent question to ask every new patient or parent who contacts the practice for a new patient consult. Almost everyone …
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Look for red flags.
Look for red flags. Keep your radar tuned for anything that you anticipate could be a problem, such as an unhappy parent or patient, and develop a solution in advance to remedy the situation. …