Your co-workers are a key component of your success. Find a way to get past the occasional misunderstanding. Don’t let a petty grievance turn into a major confrontation. When the team works well …
Figure out what’s working and what’s not working.
If you want to increase your production you may want to think about what is and what isn’t working in your practice. Try to identify five strengths and be equally diligent about identifying five …
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First impressions make all the difference.
Will parents be impressed when they walk into your office for the first time? Or will they consider it “just another practice?” The entire team needs to exceed expectations during a parent’s first …
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Cash is king.
Cash is essential for dental practices. Collecting balances must be a priority to help ensure that the practice has sufficient cash to pay all bills, make investments, and provide …
Cash is king.
Cash is essential for dental practices. Collecting balances must be a priority to help ensure that the practice has sufficient cash to pay all bills, make investments, and provide …
Make treatment more affordable.
Practices can dramatically increase case acceptance by providing a wide array of payment options, including patient financing from a reputable company. Team members should make parents aware of the …
When you’re having a bad day, keep it to yourself.
If nothing else you should realize that nobody else actually cares. Your bad day only influences others to have a bad day. If you stop complaining and move on your day will probably get …
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Have you set your goals?
The key to goal setting is to identifying the 10 things you absolutely want to accomplish over the next 12 months. Hold a short meeting with the entire team, get some ideas on the table, and then have …
Beware the effects of stress.
Implementing documented systems is one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve efficiency. Of course, change doesn’t happen overnight. The process of updating all practice systems takes …
Get payment at the time of service.
If you want to improve your collections only give payment choices. For example, “Ms. Jones, would you like to pay today by cash, check or credit card?“ This limits the parent to the choice of paying …
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Scheduling is time management.
The more effectively designed the schedule, the higher the practice production. Many practices work a certain number of hours each week when they could achieve the same production in fewer hours. The …
Make eye contact.
Looking away from people while speaking is a behavior that can make you look uninterested. Excellent eye contact is critical, because dentistry requires a high level of trust. The doctor and team …