Why can’t we do it? This is a powerful question that should be asked when you’re told that something can’t be done. Of course, there may be incredibly good reasons for something not being done, and …
Do whatever it takes.
Do whatever it takes. Patients come with all types of behavior. Rather than viewing a patient who doesn’t behave the way you like as difficult, simply develop an attitude that you will do whatever it …
Former staff members can train new staff members.
Former staff members can train new staff members. A terrific way to train new team members is to ask former team members if they would step in temporarily to train new people. This can be done …
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Don’t let small problems become big.
Don’t let small problems become big. In life, people often live up to the level of their problems. If you don’t have big problems, you tend to overreact to small problems and make them bigger. Small …
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Have a “superior positive attitude.”
Have a “superior positive attitude.” Start every day with a “superior positive attitude.” A superior positive attitude is contagious, and when you adopt this attitude the rest of the team will be …
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Be proud of your longevity.
Be proud of your longevity. If you have been in the practice for many years, you should be proud of that as an accomplishment. Remaining with a practice, continuing to contribute, and having a …
Call former staff members.
Call former staff members. The next time you need to fill a position you may want to contact former staff members who left for varying reasons. You’ll often find someone who is ready to come back …
Fun is everyone’s job.
Fun is everyone’s job. Don’t simply wait for doctors to create fun! Creating a fun practice can be everyone’s job and everyone should be participating. …
What is the best type of bonus?
What is the best type of bonus? There is no one best type of bonus. Bonuses need to be designed based on the very specific areas of the practice where you want to achieve better or more. Use bonuses …
When competition rises, improve customer service.
When competition rises, improve customer service. The first thing you should do if competition is increasing is to accelerate and enhance customer service. …
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Just say no.
Just say no. Sometimes you want to say “no”, but you put it off. You can save a lot of time and a great deal of misery if you tell a person upfront that the answer is no. …
Take a minute to be a great leader.
Take a minute to be a great leader. Being a great leader doesn’t have to take extensive time. Your brief interactions with team members are excellent opportunities to exhibit your care, compassion and …
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