Interest-free financing? As the economy becomes more challenging, some parents will need additional assistance to afford dentistry. Fortunately, interest-free financing is available and should be …
Thank every parent and patient.
Thank every parent and patient. At the end of every patient visit, be sure to thank the patient and their parent for being in your practice. It could be as simple as saying, “Charlotte, we are so …
You can achieve just about anything!
You can achieve just about anything! In the science of positive thinking, you are taught to believe that you can achieve about anything. We have seen practices accomplish amazing results and doctors …
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If you want to have fun…
If you want to have fun…If you want to have fun in your practice, then it is as easy as making up your mind that you’re going to have fun every day. In reality, little annoyances and frustrations are …
Assign a mentor.
Assign a mentor. One of the best ways to help new team members to understand the practice and practice systems is to assign a mentor for six months. This is a person that the new hire can go to with …
Share your brand with every parent.
Share your brand with every parent. A simple technique to drive your brand is to make sure that you talk about it in every patient visit. This can be as simple as waiting for the opportunity to give a …
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Have you added a new service in the last 10 years?
Have you added a new service in the last 10 years? One way to increase production and profit is to add a new service to the practice. What if you identified a new service every 10 years to add to your …
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Do you have a continuing education plan?
Do you have a continuing education plan? Each year you should create a CE plan and use your CE hours to learn and master areas that will benefit the practice. This could be true improvement of a …
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Don’t be afraid to take a risk.
Don’t be afraid to take a risk. If someone else has done it, you can probably do it too. You don’t want to be cavalier or impulsive, but if you take the time to study what others have done, surround …
Is this a problem?
Is this a problem? The first step in the problem-solving methodology taught by Harvard Business School is to ask the question: Do we have a problem? In many cases you will decide that what you're …
What impacts production?
What impacts production? Focus on key production factors that have the greatest potential impact like scheduling patients who don’t have their next appointment, having excellent value-based new …
How good was the last clinical case?
How good was the last clinical case? If you consider yourself to be excellent in clinical treatment, it does not mean that parents know that. Develop the habit of ending every patient visit by telling …
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