Maximize the number of contacts. Quantity in referral marketing is just as important as quality. You must have enough contacts with referring doctors to maintain relationships, loyalty and referrals. …
What inspires you?
What inspires you? Figure out what it is and think about it every morning on your way to work. You’re guaranteed to have better days. …
Reread your texts.
Reread your texts. Texting in a professional setting can have a significant negative impact when you send the wrong message. Misspellings, the wrong emoji, or auto spellcheck can all make you look as …
Should you buy it?
Should you buy it? There are many new technologies being marketed to dentists, but you don’t need them all. Ask yourself whether it will increase quality, speed, efficiency, or return on investment. …
Leaders are readers.
Leaders are readers. Everyone in the practice can be a leader, but only if you continue to learn, grow and expand your thinking. …
What’s next?
What’s next? Identify the next skill set you would like to learn more about or master and work with your practice to determine how you can accomplish this over time. …
Hold an annual referral appreciation event.
Hold an annual referral appreciation event. Once a year or more you should have an event (maybe even on Zoom!) to thank your referring doctors. Keep in mind that they are the ones that make your …
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Always be positive.
Always be positive. When anyone from your practice talks to anyone in a referring office, they need to come across as positive, enthusiastic and energetic. It shows that you care, and you like them. …
Convert unhappy parents and patients to happy parents and patients.
Convert unhappy parents and patients to happy parents and patients. If you ever have an unhappy parent or patient, the doctor should call them that evening. Find out what they were concerned about and …
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Know your numbers.
Know your numbers. Identify your five most important key performance indicators or targets and look at them every day. One of them should always be cash because practices with cash are always …
Be sure to overcommunicate.
Be sure to overcommunicate. The more communication by everyone on the team the more efficient the practice. Don’t just communicate—overcommunicate. …
Track your A-level referring doctors monthly.
Track your A-level referring doctors monthly. If you notice even a slight downturn in the referrals from one of your A-level referring doctors, you should immediately increase …
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