Follow up with patients. The treatment coordinator (or doctor) should make follow-up with parents of patients just as important as the consult itself. Practices that don’t focus enough on follow up …
Mix up your referral marketing.
Mix up your referral marketing. Be sure to include small, medium, and large strategies all functioning together in your referral marketing. This is what the best practices …
Review your annual referral marketing calendar.
Review your annual referral marketing calendar. If you haven’t set up your referral marketing calendar for the next 12 months and don’t review it regularly, you might be missing an …
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Make sure your referral marketing is relevant.
Make sure your referral marketing is relevant. Referral marketing is not always appreciated by referring doctors unless it is relevant, timely, and interesting. …
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Take time to be appreciative.
Take time to be appreciative. Think of one new way this week to thank referring doctors for their trust and confidence in your practice. …
Start a book club.
Start a book club. Have the entire team read Dale Carnegie‘s book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Read one chapter per month and discuss it for 15 minutes at your monthly …
Ask every parent if they are satisfied.
Ask every parent if they are satisfied. At the end of each visit ask parents if they are satisfied with the treatment that their child is receiving so far. When they say yes it reinforces their …
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You only get one chance to make a great first impression.
You only get one chance to make a great first impression. Spend time scripting the new patient phone call word by word and sentence by sentence. Also, be sure to project a positive …
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Let it go.
Let it go. If two team members are having a conflict, they should work to resolve it. Most conflicts are based on very minor issues that people can simply put aside, ignore, or let go. It’s rarely …
What’s new in referral marketing?
What’s new in referral marketing? Referral marketing has many fantastic components that can be added to the current plan. New strategies can be found by looking at what is done in other …
Regularly review your marketing plan.
Regularly review your marketing plan. Referral marketing is a critical element of specialty practice success. Be sure to create a set time each week to spend a few minutes reviewing the current …
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Check your stats.
Check your stats. Believe it or not, you can track your practice success by looking at a few key statistics each week. Identify the ones that are critical for your practice, track them, and make …