Expand your referral marketing. Many specialists only touch those doctors who are their top referral sources or friends. This is a classic referral marketing mistake. You need to broaden your reach …
End every call with…
End every call with… At the end of every phone call, the team member should ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” In most cases there is nothing else to be done, but it comes across …
Complacency is the enemy of growth.
Complacency is the enemy of growth. Don’t let complacency creep into your practice. It is rarely noticed early on because it occurs slowly; however, not making positive changes often results in …
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Cut one expense.
Cut one expense. To start addressing overhead control, simply find one expense that you can reduce by any amount. Take the first step and then go from there. …
Send a thank-you note.
Send a thank-you note. After you meet with a referring doctor, send a quick text or note that tells them how much you enjoyed seeing them. Following up is an essential part of building great …
Build a fortress.
Build a fortress. Don’t let any of your top referring doctors be taken away. You need to build a fortress to protect your relationship with them. The best way to do that is to increase the amount of …
Outrageous customer service.
Outrageous customer service. You probably have good customer service. You may even have great customer service. But if you want to take it to the highest level, take it to “outrageous customer …
Making the tough call.
Making the tough call. Every year, every practice will have to make a certain number of tough calls. Some involve simply choosing which technology to buy and others are uncomfortable decisions, such …
Who is your cheerleader?
Who is your cheerleader? Sometimes the cheerleader in the practice comes from an unexpected place. It could be the brand-new assistant that just joined the practice who is 18 years old, or it could be …
Bring positive energy.
Bring positive energy. Referral marketing is about building powerful relationships with referring doctors. This is what the best practices do. One technique to always utilize is to be extremely …
You need 15.
You need 15. Stop kidding yourself about referral marketing. Levin Group has demonstrated time and again that you need a minimum of 15 strategies functioning together at all times. The strategies have …
Don’t become obsolete.
Don’t become obsolete. If you’re doing things the way you did them even a few years ago, you may be becoming obsolete in the job. The world continues to change, and everyone needs to be retrained …