Reduce your overhead. Make it a goal this month to find a way to reduce overhead by 1%. Just 1% will get you moving in the right direction. …
Sometimes you just have to fake it.
Sometimes you just have to fake it. You got out of bed this morning and don’t really feel positive. Your normal high energy is just not there. Should you show everyone how you really feel or bring …
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Broaden your view.
Broaden your view. Referral marketing is about throwing out a wide net and capturing as many referrals and referral sources as you can. It’s not about one specific office, but the overall stream of …
Secure your future.
Secure your future. The top priority in securing your future is having a steady stream of referrals. Lapses in referral marketing strategy and implementation can often lead to up-and-down results, …
Be consistent.
Be consistent. One leadership trait that is critically important is consistency. When you’re managing people, they find it confusing and frustrating when the leadership is inconsistent in behavior, …
What do I do when a team member needs personal time off and it’s inconvenient?
What do I do when a team member needs personal time off and it’s inconvenient? Try hard to accommodate the request. Leaders today must work to find the right balance and compromise to keep the team …
Are you delegating enough?
Are you delegating enough? Take time to review your tasks and determine if someone else could do them effectively and efficiently. This will free you to focus on higher-level activities. …
Don’t use age as an excuse.
Don’t use age as an excuse. Regardless of your age, you can continue to grow and improve and inspire people around you. …
If you want to be a great leader, start to treat the team as customers.
If you want to be a great leader, start to treat the team as customers. This is a new concept of recognizing that people are much more motivated when they are treated well. …
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The best way to get rid of a bad review.
The best way to get rid of a bad review. The best way to get rid of a bad review is to have lots of good reviews. These will push the negative review down and it will barely be seen if at all. …
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Just apologize.
Just apologize. Any time a patient is even the least bit dissatisfied, just apologize. This doesn't mean that you are not giving in or giving up. You are simply making the patient happier by showing …
Minimal acceptable standards.
Minimal acceptable standards. Every job in the practice should have 5 to 8 clear measurements that a team member is responsible for. Assuming that training and mentoring are available, team members …