Should you raise your fees? There are numerous other queries to answer before you can properly respond to this question. Are you struggling to keep up with inflation? Are your fees below a certain …
When was the last time you got angry?
When was the last time you got angry? Some people would say yesterday or about an hour ago. Anger is an emotion to pay attention to, but it can also be very debilitating. If you find yourself spending …
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How to enjoy life.
How to enjoy life. Oddly enough the best way to enjoy life is with less effort. Many dentists, like many businesspeople, become very intense about daily practice operations, new business …
Who’s in charge?
Who’s in charge? In Levin Group’s 30-year ongoing study, we found that in top performing practices everyone seems to be in charge. People know what to do, get it done, and pivot quickly without …
The referring doctor is always right.
The referring doctor is always right. Some of you don’t believe this, but it is the best attitude to take. A great referring practice sends many patients, and if anything is not the way they would …
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How many touch points do you need?
How many touch points do you need? The number of touch points (contacts with referring doctors) needs to increase in a more challenging economy. If you want to be a leader in your area and increase …
Take a few deep breaths.
Take a few deep breaths. The American Dental Association recently reported that the number of dentists experiencing anxiety has increased significantly. Intentionally taking deep breaths throughout …
Are you affected by the economy?
Are you affected by the economy? Statistically we will all be affected by the economy regarding inflation in areas such as gas prices. However, regardless of the economy there are always many …
Do one thing to motivate yourself today.
Do one thing to motivate yourself today. Motivation is almost as important as air, water, and food. Too many people go day after day without motivation and if you can identify one way to motivate …
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Where do you get the best referral marketing strategies?
Where do you get the best referral marketing strategies? Referral marketing strategies rely on creativity. Your goal is to build powerful relationships. You need to balance one-on-one communication …
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Focus on getting positive reviews.
Focus on getting positive reviews. You are going to get a really bad review at some point. It happens to everyone. However, if you have lots of positive reviews coming in consistently it will push …
Share your excitement.
Share your excitement. Every day, find something that you can be excited about. It could be a story, success of a friend, accomplishment of a child. All too often we don’t share our small sources of …