Thank your referring doctors. Periodically we will repeat a version of this recommendation in our Tip of the Day. One of the most powerful strategies for referral marketing is to go out of your way to …
It’s time to get really serious about referral marketing.
It’s time to get really serious about referral marketing. Specialty practice is changing and there are many excuses about how your practice is doing. The solution has not changed. Intensive …
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What is the most important resource that we have?
What is the most important resource that we have? Some people would say money, others would say health, and there are also people who would say family. These are all great answers but there are many …
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How is your personal profit and loss statement?
How is your personal profit and loss statement? You should pay close attention to your profit and loss (P& L) statement at the end of each month. This is what good businesspeople do. But how are …
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What is your marketing communications program?
What is your marketing communications program? We recommend sending an email to patients every 30 days with a short practice update or news on interesting dental topics. Create simple and easy touch …
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It’s time to get fired up.
It’s time to get fired up. If you’re not fired up about referral marketing, you need to have a talk with yourself. If you were your own coach, you would advise yourself to get fired up about referral …
Can you hire a trained PRC?
Can you hire a trained PRC? Probably not. Professional relations coordinators (PRCs) are not individuals that can go to school to learn the job. They will need on-the-job training, and every practice …
Set your watch three minutes fast.
Set your watch three minutes fast. One of the greatest time management techniques is to set your watch three minutes fast and start to live as if that were the real time. You will be amazed at how …
Get everyone excited.
Get everyone excited. Adding anything new to the practice, such as launching a new service, should include getting everyone educated and excited. When the entire team gets behind a new concept, it …
Implementing a new service.
Implementing a new service. If you’re going to implement a new service in the practice, you should design a marketing communications program around that service. You can add information about the new …
When should you ramp up your referral marketing?
When should you ramp up your referral marketing? Your referral marketing program should always be firing on all cylinders. If you notice a flattening or dip in referrals, then you may need to ramp it …
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Why are you really doing this?
Why are you really doing this? One of the most powerful ways to re-energize yourself, your team, and your practice is to remember your purpose for doing what you do. Think back to why you became a …