Focus on improvement. Set up a contest in advance of the next staff meeting where everyone can bring their best practice improvement idea written down on a card. Put them in a bowl anonymously, read …
Motivation comes from having a true purpose.
Motivation comes from having a true purpose. Is your team simply doing a job every day or fulfilling a purpose that they believe in and commit to? The practice vision and mission are the guiding …
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If you want to have a great practice, you must continually improve.
If you want to have a great practice, you must continually improve. You don’t win the improvement game by making giant leaps once in a while. You win it by implementing slow, steady, and continual …
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Cut one expense.
Cut one expense. To start addressing overhead control simply find one expense you can reduce by any amount. Take the first step and then go from there. div style="background-color: #2f466f;"> Free …
Want to increase production?
Want to increase production? Increase the use of patient financing. Many patients need additional access to debt to afford excellent dental care. Offering patient financing makes this possible. How …
If your staff longevity is not increasing every year, it may be your leadership.
If your staff longevity is not increasing every year, it may be your leadership. Well-honed leadership skills will increase staff longevity in most practices. Dentists are not taught leadership in …
Raise your enthusiasm 20%.
Raise your enthusiasm 20%. We know this sounds like a funny statement, but if you decide right now to raise your enthusiasm level by 20%, we guarantee you that you will have better days. …
Improve your customer service.
Improve your customer service. No matter where you stand, it is essential to have a culture of constantly improving customer service. Your goal is to WOW every patient, every visit every day every …
“I’m sick of this.”
“I’m sick of this." Whenever you say these words to yourself, it tells you exactly what needs to be addressed. If you decide you are sick of it, then you need to take immediate action to improve …
Doctors and staff need to communicate openly and often.
Doctors and staff need to communicate openly and often. The more conversations you have with your team, the better you’ll understand the pulse of what’s happening and can then take steps to maintain …
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“But I want it now.”
“But I want it now.” There are many things we want in our practices. If you buy too much too fast, overhead will eat away profit and income. If you have a plan of what to purchase, then your return on …
Don’t burn out.
Don’t burn out. Every elite athlete knows you must stress yourself hard to perform better, but you must prioritize recovery as well. Dentists or team members that go 100% all out all of the time are …