Put up a sign. Whenever you do something new in the practice put up a sign. Every practice should have a standardized area where signs are placed and changed periodically to keep patients informed …
Be relevant.
Be relevant. People care more about their health today than ever before. The most popular articles in many magazines are the ones that focus on health. Dentistry has always focused on treatment even …
Let every patient know that you are a practice that cares deeply about patients.
Let every patient know that you are a practice that cares deeply about patients. We live in a world of commoditization today. Your practice needs to be promoted as unique, caring and focused on …
Don’t be afraid to tell a patient what could happen if they don’t accept treatment.
Don’t be afraid to tell a patient what could happen if they don’t accept treatment. It is always in the best interest of the patient and practice to calmly and logically discuss the consequences of …
Have you thought about new ways to wow your patients?
Have you thought about new ways to wow your patients? Giving away whitening with each veneer case for the remaining teeth or offering to pay for transportation for elderly patients who come during …
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Always present ideal treatment.
Always present ideal treatment. It is not a mystery, despite those who would like you to think that it is, that the more times you present ideal treatment, the more large cases you will get to …
Production is the single most important factor in the success of any dental practice.
Production is the single most important factor in the success of any dental practice. Focus on new ways to increase practice production through the implementation of proven systems that also decrease …
Track the number of patients who don’t show up for appointments each year.
Track the number of patients who don’t show up for appointments each year. Practices literally lose millions of dollars over the course of a career from no-show patients. If your no-show rate is over …
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Periodically spot-check overhead.
Periodically spot-check overhead. Compare overhead percentages to national and regional averages to determine if the practice has been spending more than those averages. If so, take the time to find …
Three things you should never discuss with patients: sex, religion, or politics.
Three things you should never discuss with patients: sex, religion, or politics. You never know what someone is thinking, and this can create a very negative feeling on the part of a patient. Talking …
Check carefully how much you’re spending on your SEO.
Check carefully how much you’re spending on your SEO. We are finding that many practices have increasing subscription costs and don’t have any idea what type of benefit is occurring. Speak frankly and …
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Have at least three parts to every patient customer service experience.
Have at least three parts to every patient customer service experience. One component is nice, but three is powerful. They might include greeting the patient warmly, asking every patient how their …
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