Live your mission. Having a mission statement is meaningless if you don’t believe it, live it and talk about it often. Team members today want a purpose, and a mission provides a purpose. Featured …
If you’re going to add a new service…
If you’re going to add a new service…Start first by evaluating the time, cost, and effort it will take to master the new service. Then compare that to the effect it will have on practice production …
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The news may be bad, but…
The news may be bad, but...Every day we wake up to hear more bad news, and there is no shortage of it to go around. But ask yourself how much of that bad news directly affects you and consider what …
Social media return on investment.
Social media return on investment. The return on investment and social media is not just about how many people you reach. It’s how many new patients you attract that accept treatment. That’s it. …
If you’re going to add a new service…
If you’re going to add a new service…Start first by evaluating the time, cost, and effort it will take to master the new service. Then compare that to the effect it will have on practice production …
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Don’t ignore the numbers.
Don’t ignore the numbers. Set a regular schedule every month to review key performance indicators or targets to determine practice performance. Featured Video Course: How to Build the $2 Million …
Are you still passionate about dentistry?
Are you still passionate about dentistry? It is very hard to get up each morning and be excited if you have lost your passion. Don’t let management challenges decrease the enjoyment you have in …
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Dealing with the unhappy patient.
Dealing with the unhappy patient. When you learn that a patient is unhappy, the first step to resolving the situation is to find out why. Don’t prejudge the situation, just stay calm and try to …
If you want to hear yes, act enthusiastic.
If you want to hear yes, act enthusiastic. Patients respond to enthusiasm the same way we all do. Enthusiasm creates a sense that the doctor believes in what he or she is presenting and that it is in …
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You may be happy today, but…
You may be happy today, but...It is wonderful if you’re happy today. Enjoy it! However, keep your eye on the future and know when it is the right time to implement new systems to ensure practice …
Give patients a chance to ask questions.
Give patients a chance to ask questions. One of the missing links in case acceptance is giving patients enough time to ask questions. They often ask their questions at the end of the appointment when …
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Think before enrolling in that next insurance plan.
Think before enrolling in that next insurance plan. Levin Group is not pro or con when it comes to insurance. However, we do encourage every practice to carefully analyze the short and long-term …
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