Don’t waste today. Make sure that you do not waste today. You will not get it again, so make it a great day where you contribute to others, make a difference, and feel fantastic. …
Every patient gets a compliment.
Every patient gets a compliment. If you want highly satisfied patients, give every patient a compliment every single day. This leads to satisfied patients, more referrals, better reviews, and great …
Why not tell someone they did a great job?
Why not tell someone they did a great job? Instead of thinking that you should compliment people to show appreciation, just do it. You’ll probably find this leads to much more demonstration of …
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What can you learn from McDonald’s?
What can you learn from McDonald’s? McDonald’s is the most successful franchise in the world. They are successful because they follow detailed systems and steps for every process, product and …
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Focus on improvement.
Focus on improvement. Set up a contest in advance of the next staff meeting where everyone can bring their best practice improvement idea written down on a card. Put them in a bowl anonymously, read …
Motivation comes from having a true purpose.
Motivation comes from having a true purpose. Is your team simply doing a job every day or fulfilling a purpose that they believe in and commit to? The practice vision and mission are the guiding …
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Remote monitoring is growing.
Remote monitoring is growing. Like many new technologies, remote monitoring is growing faster than practices have in understanding of how to properly use it and maximize potential. Take the time to …
Build value for every parent and patient.
Build value for every parent and patient. There are two things you should do with every parent and patient. First always give a compliment. Second, create a script about why your practice is so …
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Want to increase production?
Want to increase production? Increase the use of patient financing. Many patients need additional access to debt to afford excellent dental care. Offering patient financing makes this possible. How …
If your staff longevity is not increasing every year, it may be your leadership.
If your staff longevity is not increasing every year, it may be your leadership. Well-honed leadership skills will increase staff longevity in most practices. Dentists are not taught leadership in …
Raise your enthusiasm 20%.
Raise your enthusiasm 20%. We know this sounds like a funny statement, but if you decide right now to raise your enthusiasm level by 20%, we guarantee you that you will have better days. …
Do you really care about your coworkers?
Do you really care about your coworkers? When you walk in the office, are you joining a group each day that you really care about? When you care about others your actions are superior and your …
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