Always get the name. When patients call your office, getting their name right up front and writing it down phonetically allows you to use it two or three more times in the conversation. People like …
Say something nice about the dentist.
Say something nice about the dentist. Staff members should go out of their way to compliment their doctor to patients. This isn’t to feed the doctor’s ego. It’s a great strategy for creating a feeling …
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Have everyone’s back.
Have everyone’s back. When a doctor or coworker asks you to do something, the single best reply you can give is “I will take care of it.” Those are words that inspire confidence and …
Go out of your way to let every patient know they are appreciated.
Go out of your way to let every patient know they are appreciated. There is a rise in customer service in many businesses that are recovering from the pandemic. …
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Update your patients about safety every six months or so.
Update your patients about safety every six months or so. When people feel that they will be protected, they will be willing to make appointments and show up. …
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Some patients are still afraid to come back to practices.
Some patients are still afraid to come back to practices. Don’t just simply write off patients who haven’t come back to your practice. Stay in touch with them so that when they are ready, they will …
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Everyone can be a leader.
Everyone can be a leader. Every team member should work just as hard to develop excellent leadership skills as every doctor. …
Trust your intuition.
Trust your intuition. Sometimes the best way to make a decision is to simply ask yourself: What is my intuition is telling me? …
Surprise a patient today.
Surprise a patient today. Whether it’s with a discount or a gift card for a cup of coffee periodically pick patients and simply surprise them. This will create phenomenal patient …
Is your front desk staff prepared?
Is your front desk staff prepared? The front desk staff should be ready to answer patient concerns. Many patients will ask the front desk staff for their opinion about following through with treatment …
Dentists must delegate.
Dentists must delegate. Is the dentist doing more than dentistry and advancing patient relations? These are the main jobs of a dentist and other tasks should gradually be delegated to highly skilled …
Bring back the fun.
Bring back the fun. What fun activity happened in your office this week? A new joke at the morning meeting? A birthday cake for a coworker? A team lunch on the dentist? Try to infuse fun whenever you …