Stop waiting for answers to come out of thin air. When you don’t know what to do, ask yourself who might be able to help you or give you advice. …
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Increasing Practice Production Every Year
Stop waiting for answers to come out of thin air. When you don’t know what to do, ask yourself who might be able to help you or give you advice. …
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You must know your numbers. Knowing your numbers is one of the critical aspects of running a practice. If you do not know your numbers, you may be late in identifying trends that negatively impact the …
Stop worrying about what you can’t control. Sometimes anxiety is produced by worrying about things that you have no control over. Your time is much better served by focusing on improving areas within …
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Get serious about production. Almost every practice is 30% – 50% below its real production potential. Don’t play a small game. Do what needs to be done to increase production by 10%, 20%, or 30% …
Goal setting is important. You might want to skip reading the 1,001 new self-help books that come out every year and simply get back to setting goals, analyzing them weekly, and measuring results. …
Measure everything. You can measure up to 25 key statistics for the practice and review them daily in under five minutes. Take a red pen and circle the ones that are not in line with the goals. …
Be sure to make eye contact. Making direct eye contact may be one of the most powerful ways to connect with other people. Always make eye contact immediately with anyone that you interact with. …
Why do your staff meetings fail? This week we will look at the top five reasons that staff meetings falter or fail. Reason Number 5. Staff meetings often fail because the topics are not …
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Why do your staff meetings fail? This week we will look at the top five reasons that staff meetings falter or fail. Reason Number 4. Staff meetings often fail because they are simply not fun. …
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Why do your staff meetings fail? This week we will look at the top five reasons that staff meetings falter or fail. Reason Number 3. Many staff meetings are boring and have no energy. You …
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Why do your staff meetings fail? This week we will look at the top five reasons that staff meetings falter or fail. Reason Number 2. Staff meetings often fail because they are not taken …
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Why do your staff meetings fail? This week we will look at the top five reasons that staff meetings falter or fail. Reason Number 1. Because they are not well thought out. Create an agenda for …
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