The incredible power of scripting. Scripting is one of the most powerful things a practice can do to make its systems work more effectively. When systems work effectively, production …
Find the bottlenecks.
Find the bottlenecks. A bottleneck is anything that slows down a system. Find them and see what you can do to eliminate them or speed them up. …
Two ways to accumulate wealth.
Two ways to accumulate wealth. For most practice leaders there are only two ways to safely accumulate wealth without taking big risks. The first is to have an excellent income and the second is to …
Get rich slowly.
Get rich slowly. There are many strategies and risks associated with wealth accumulation. Practice leaders cannot afford big losses because they are not easy to make up, so take your time and be …
Where should we follow up?
Where should we follow up? There are many areas of follow-up that can improve practice performance, production, and profitability. Examples include parents who have called the practice but not yet …
Put parents and patients first.
Put parents and patients first. There are all kinds of debates about what counts most in a dental practice. Well, there is almost nothing that counts more than excellent customer service to parents …
Don’t forget – write it down.
Don’t forget – write it down. Every day, we all have lots of thoughts on things we should do. Eliminate the tasks that you’re not really going to do but write down the others. There is an old …
Goal setting is actually exciting.
Goal setting is actually exciting. Only 3% of practice leaders have written goals. Those that do typically find goal setting exciting and come much closer to reaching their true potential. …
Can staff longevity increase practice production?
Can staff longevity increase practice production? In the Levin Group ongoing study of top 10% producing practices, we found that one of the 17 principles they have in common is higher staff longevity. …
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Why do staff bonuses fail?
Why do staff bonuses fail? After 39 years of experience and thousands of clients, we know that bonuses definitely work. When they fail it is typically because they are poorly designed or are …
In a slower economy, improve customer service.
In a slower economy, improve customer service. In good times, patients have money to afford treatment. In more challenging economic times, they will make decisions based on how the practice treats …
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Why can’t we do it?
Why can’t we do it? This is a powerful question that should be asked when you’re told that something can’t be done. Of course, there may be incredibly good reasons for something not being done, and …