A new measurement. We are now suggesting that practices measure the average longevity of their team members. This is a statistic that you want to increase each year. High staff longevity reflects …
Do you respect your referring doctors?
Do you respect your referring doctors? Many years ago, a business school professor made a very true statement: Most companies have a love-hate relationship with their customers. Although this is …
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How would you rate your character?
How would you rate your character? Character may be different for different people, but in the end, it is always about doing the right thing. Most people know what the right thing is at the right time …
Is your production growing?
Is your production growing? Production is the single most important metric in any dental practice. Your number one objective is to have it grow every year. …
How do you get inspired?
How do you get inspired? Many fortune 500 CEOs write about what inspires them. It can be making a difference in the world, improving profit in their companies, or inventing new products that help …
Make the move.
Make the move. Many dentists have waited extra years before making a move that they wanted to make. Unfortunately, they lost those years and cannot recover them. If you think you have a good idea, …
Stop whining and start winning.
Stop whining and start winning. Referral marketing takes effort. Most of it can be carried out by your professional relationship coordinator (PRC). However, specialists cannot sit back and do nothing …
It’s time to get serious.
It’s time to get serious. In one week, we spoke to 11 specialists who all had very similar concerns about their referral marketing. The concern was that it had fallen off, and they felt it was time to …
Fire that patient.
Fire that patient. Some patients are just not worth the effort. Others can be dangerous. If you have a strong intuition that a certain patient should not be in your practice, the smart move is to find …
Make your practice your hobby.
Make your practice your hobby. Hobbies are fun. They are meant to be enjoyed and create stimulation and motivation. Turn your practice into a hobby and you will love your career. …
Raise your enthusiasm.
Raise your enthusiasm. Raising your enthusiasm is not only for your own benefit. Your enthusiasm will also raise the enthusiasm of the people around you. When people are around enthusiastic people, …
It’s time to get fired up again!
It’s time to get fired up again! Do you remember when you first went into practice? When you ran around chasing referring doctors to meet them and build relationships? You were fired up. Maybe it was …