Be competition ready. Businesses always have competition and competition always grows. The best course of action is to always plan for your strategy in the event that someone new moves in nearby, a …
Have a conversation.
Have a conversation. If you want to increase case acceptance, get the patient to talk more. When patients are talking, they are more engaged and more interested in the treatment being presented. …
Run on time.
Run on time. Are you aware that running late sends the message that you don’t respect your patients? People today often value their time as much as they value their money. If patients feel you don’t …
Show respect.
Show respect. Let every patient know you respect them. The best way to do this is to develop an attitude that the patient is an equal and will be treated as a friend. …
Stick to texting.
Stick to texting. Text three referring doctors every day just to touch base. Always end each text by saying something positive or thanking them for referrals. …
Don’t cheat on PRC time.
Don’t cheat on PRC time. Cheating on professional relations coordinator (PRC) work hours is among the top five reasons for referral marketing failure. If your PRC doesn’t have enough time, your …
Don’t wait until you need marketing.
Don’t wait until you need marketing. You should be thinking about it every day, analyzing referrals every month, and taking new steps to keep referrals strong at all times. Featured vBook (video …
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“Wow-level” customer service starts with your attitude.
“Wow-level” customer service starts with your attitude. No set of customer service strategies will outperform your attitude. And none will be successful unless the right attitude is displayed. …
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Manage your experts.
Manage your experts. Engaging an expert to help you doesn’t mean you can abdicate responsibility. You need to set the goals and objectives with the expert and track ongoing progress. …
Never underestimate the power of relationships.
Never underestimate the power of relationships. Many of the best and biggest surgical practices in the country have been built on the foundation of relationships. Keep in mind that you need to work on …
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Be careful with political comments.
Be careful with political comments. We are currently in a supercharged political environment. Saying one wrong thing can cost a relationship and that is not the goal of referral marketing. Be very …
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Self-motivate. You can’t wait until someone comes along to motivate you. What if no one does? Find ways to motivate yourself every day to work at your top level of performance. Featured vBook …