Everyone in the practice should care. Focus on the total patient and let them know that their care is the role of everyone in the practice. …
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Increasing Practice Production Every Year
Everyone in the practice should care. Focus on the total patient and let them know that their care is the role of everyone in the practice. …
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Use your mission statement. Regularly discussing the mission statement as the true purpose of why the practice exists creates independence, higher levels of performance and satisfaction amongst your …
What did you learn today? A wonderful way to live your life and career is to learn at least one new thing every day. …
Know your core values. Identify 4 to 6 core values that define the essence of the practice and will never be violated. Hang the values in the staff room and talk about at least one of them in every …
Meet with your PRC. It’s essential to meet with your professional relations coordinator (PRC) about the marketing plan at least once a week. The plan must be reviewed and, if necessary, updated. …
Take a day off from questions. What if you announced to the team that for one day, they may not ask the doctor any questions that don’t apply directly to clinical treatment and clinical excellence for …
Lead by example. Anyone in the practice who wants to be a leader can step up simply by exemplifying good leadership characteristics in their day-to-day interactions. …
What if you lost your best referral source? Many practices rely on their existing relationships and best referral sources for a significant portion of their revenue. It is a good idea to constantly …
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End with a summary. Whenever you ask someone to do something, summarize the conversation by saying something like “Great, then you’ll take care of that by Thursday.“ It’s a great way to reinforce …
Say I’m sorry. Never be afraid to apologize. Apologizing, even when you’re not wrong, motivates other people to be more cooperative. …
Getting into the top 25%: Address problems areas quickly. If you want to build a practice that is in the top 25% of production, study referral patterns every month. If you see any area that is …
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Whatever you need! Some of the most successful specialists simply let referring doctors know that they will take care of anything that they need. It’s a simple policy, but a powerful one. …
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