Don’t create new policies simply because one or two patients didn’t comply with office policies. Don’t punish 99% for the bad behavior of 1%. …
If a patient receives a check from the insurance company they are obligated to pay the practice.
If a patient receives a check from the insurance company they are obligated to pay the practice. Make sure to track any checks that are accidentally sent to the patient by their insurance company and …
Make sure you bring your highest energy when presenting cases to patients.
Make sure you bring your highest energy when presenting cases to patients. A simple formula states that having high energy and enthusiasm makes people like you, trust you, and want buy from …
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It might be time to review the practice job descriptions.
It might be time to review the practice job descriptions. Look them over and determine if your job descriptions are still relevant, motivating, and descriptive of the job as it is …
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Make things easier.
Make things easier. Always remember that in business, whoever makes it easiest wins. Keep looking for ways to make things in your practice easier for your patients. …
Team building is about supporting coworkers in the practice.
Team building is about supporting coworkers in the practice. Ask yourself what you did today to help another team member succeed in his or her job. …
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Communication is one of the major keys to success.
Communication is one of the major keys to success. Be sure to keep your coworkers updated, informed and aware of any information that can be beneficial to them. …
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Efficiency is about consistency.
Efficiency is about consistency. If the practice is supposed to file insurance every day, then it must be done every day. There are many examples of consistent actions that simply must be done exactly …
Make 2021 a year of improving customer service.
Make 2021 a year of improving customer service. Every practice can always improve its level of customer service. Make a commitment to finding new ways to impress patients and let them know that they …
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Let patients know about positive practice changes.
Let patients know about positive practice changes. When the practice makes positive changes such as expanding financial options or adding increased infection control protection, be sure to send a …
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Every team member should have one major goal for the year.
Every team member should have one major goal for the year. By knowing the one goal and focusing on achieving it, with support from other team, the practice will make great strides of …
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If you want to improve your practice, start with yourself.
If you want to improve your practice, start with yourself. Ask yourself what you can do to improve your own performance and then ask what you can do to help others. …
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